First I would like to say, I really do try to avoid the political forums on this site.
I only stumble into them when the ATS hot topics email has one that is really really interesting.
All that said I'm actually starting a thread here(I know I'm shocked too).
So a DNC Delegate said she wants to kill Romney in an interview.
The Secret Service is investigating this matter.
Here is what I find abhorrent, if this had been reversed the whole of the media would be screaming about this.
Twitter and FB would be agog with calls for her head.
Someone would have put her address and phone number online.
I don't actually condone those actions, my problem with this whole situation is that there seems to be a double standard.
When a Democrat is threatened the whole of the Republican party is painted as violent racists.
When a Republican is threatened it's almost ignored.
I'm a Libertarian and I think both the Democrats and Republicans are screwed up entirely.
That said when I've been drawn into political debates I've been insulted and threatened by Democrats far more than Republicans.
One time when I said I've been threatened more by Democrats I was called a "filthy liar" and told that if they saw me in person they would beat me to
death, other insults were thrown in as well.
Um... my claim was that I've been threatened by Democrats more often and the response was insults and threats from a Democrat.
The whole situation was surreal.
Honestly both sides are screwed up, but in my experience Democrats are more violent and prone to insults.
What's worse is even in the midst of violent rhetoric the one throwing the insults tries to claim the high moral ground...
So who come one side can spew hate and violence and not be called on it, while when one Republican says something violent the entire party is painted
as violent?
Here is the link to the original article that alerted the Secret Service.
Threat from
For balance here is the Huffington post article that showed up after the Secret Service was alerted.
So why does the side that spews at least as much violent rhetoric if not more get to claim the moral high ground?
edit on 6-9-2012 by Pigraphia
because: Missspelled a word in the link.