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Chupacabra shot in Texas?

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posted on Mar, 16 2005 @ 08:14 PM
To me it just looks like a dog or coyote with a bad skin condition. I recently adopted another Greyhound who was abused, and when she first came to us she didn't have any fur on her stomach. Instead her skin looked almost blue on her tummy. The blue came from what looked like thousands of "black heads" or some dirt that was inbeded into her skin. Since Greyhounds have large cheasts, our vet said that the dog must have been laying down on concrete in a kennel and as it layed down its cheast would rub against the floor.

To me if you look at the lower part of the jaw, it almost looks as if it has been broken apart from the top and pushed back towards the skull? Look at the chin and then trace it back towards the skull and you can see that the lower jaw looks out of place. Just a theory... I doubt this animal is anything more than a dog/mutt or coyote/mutt with a bad skin condition.

posted on Mar, 18 2005 @ 04:55 AM

Originally posted by enrage
i found a bigger pic.

Those are big ears. Looks like a starved coyote. I worked at a dog kennel for a while, and there's was an old pomeranian that would come in. The story is that the previous owner only fed it wet canned dog food, which is a BAD thing to do. It just wasn't getting the proper vitamins. It looked like this (only alive, sorta).

posted on Aug, 18 2008 @ 09:04 PM

posted on Aug, 18 2008 @ 09:59 PM

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