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Chemtrail Programs Only Cost Us $5 Billion a Year

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posted on Sep, 7 2012 @ 01:30 AM

Originally posted by Rudy2shoes
We have thousands of reports from pilots that they have seen Unidentified Flying Objects.
They will never take a stance on the Unidentified Flying Object that they have seen.
But we are to take it as gospel they know every kind of cloud they fly through and create.
I just want to understand, there is no such thing, as an Unidentified Cloud?

So. We've had thousands of reports from pilots of Unidentified Flying Objects.

But ZERO reports from pilots of Unidentified Clouds.

Why might that be?

Clearly from this, UFOs are vastly more common than Unidentified Clouds. And yet if you ask any chemtrail believer; they don't see UFOs that often, yet they see "chemtrails" every day.

Why do pilots not see chemtrails?

Could it be that they are just contrails?

posted on Sep, 7 2012 @ 02:54 AM

Originally posted by GoKill

Originally posted by waynos
AND there's nothing there about killing a planet and it's inhabitants.

That was a personal observation, am I not allowed to voice my personal opinion? hummm

It's just a piece that I thought was interesting so I shared it with like minded folks. Thus the reason it's in the GE forum. No one ever said you had to believe it or forced you to read it. If you don't agree, move along.. however I'm not going to fall for your feeble attempt to debate it.. It is what it is, get over it...
Any questions?

No, none. The fact that you can only pick fault with my final parting comment says it all. As you say, you just wanted to share it, accuracy is obviously not of any concern to you so long as you can keep feeding the fantasy.

posted on Sep, 7 2012 @ 03:04 AM
reply to post by fireyaguns

So how does your admiration of info wars awesomeness square up to the fact that their claims can almost always be shown to be inaccurate, as just did?

If they are telling he truth why don't they report accurately instead of choosing to miss out facts that don't support their agenda?

Try and engage your critical faculties when reading ALL news sources, even ones you trust.

posted on Sep, 7 2012 @ 12:04 PM
reply to post by GoKill

If you go to that site, you can click on different years and see how well the chemtrail program has been doing on killing off the populace.

If you are too lazy to click the link, I'll give you a hint. It seems all over the globe, folks have been living longer every year.

So now the question becomes.......are chemtrails full of vitamins? You should be thanking them. Whoever "they" are.

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 08:10 PM

Originally posted by Rudy2shoes
My local Meteorologist has admitted on the air,
that with the current amount of aerosols/pollution in the atmosphere,
he has a harder time predicting rainfall due to condensation on aerosols/pollution to form rain drops.
But at the same time he claims contrails/aerosols/pollution is harmless.

In what way did he claim that pollution is "harmless"??

You are clearly stating what you believe him to have said - but the idea that anyone thinks pollution is harmless seems a bit silly.

Clearly pollution is not harmless. And jet exhausts, insofar as they are pollution, are not harmless.

But contrails are only PART of jet exhaust - they are the water vapour. So they are as harmful/harmless as any other water vapour in the sky. The rest of hte exhaust - NOx, SOx, CO2, CO, etc - that is still harmful - but jets only produce a faction of that - surface transport - cars, trucks, trains, ships - and other uses (electrical generation, etc) produce a lot more.

Moreover jet exhaust is pollution WHETHER IT MAKES A CONTRAIL OR NOT.

Complaining about jet exhausts only when thy make contrails ignores the 90+% of the!! time they do NOT make contrails!! Why would you ignore 90% of jet exhausts just because they do not make contrails??
They still contain the same pollutants even if you can't see the water vapour!!

this is what jet engine exhaust is made of (more or less):

It contains this stuff whether you can see the water vapour element or not - so why only complain when you can see it??????

I just want to understand all the mixed messages by Meteorologists, at this time.

I don't see a mixed message??

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 10:00 PM

Originally posted by Rudy2shoes
We have thousands of reports from pilots that they have seen Unidentified Flying Objects.
They will never take a stance on the Unidentified Flying Object that they have seen.

If they knew what it was it would not be unidentified.

But we are to take it as gospel they know every kind of cloud they fly through and create.
I just want to understand, there is no such thing, as an Unidentified Cloud?

If you know it is a cloud then it is not unidentified - it is a cloud!!

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 10:25 PM
After reading this thread, there is a lot of good arguments to dismiss chemtrails, however I can't help but ignore the fact that in areas where a lot of people report chemtrails, there is also mysterious illnesses popping up.

The most notable was a condition (Morgellons) where fibers (that look almost like thread) come out of peoples skin, accompanied by joint pain, muscle pain, itching, crawling sensation on the skin and strange rashes. Morgellons has only been reported in areas where people claim to see" strange, straight clouds that do not dissipate for HOURS"

Contrails, regular trails of smoke left by aircraft, dissipate after only a few minutes.

So that is interesting.

It was dismissed by the CDC as "delusional parasitosis" but then again, that's what you'd expect if the government is behind this.

I am open to all possibilities, but something strange is going on.. that's my feeling.
edit on 8-9-2012 by FightClub because: (no reason given)

edit on 8-9-2012 by FightClub because: typos

posted on Sep, 9 2012 @ 01:51 AM

Originally posted by FightClub
Contrails, regular trails of smoke left by aircraft, dissipate after only a few minutes.

Contrails are not smoke. They are clouds if ice crystals, the formation of which is triggered by the addition of water from jet exhaust. Smoke has nothing to do with it.

posted on Sep, 9 2012 @ 03:27 AM
reply to post by FightClub

Apart from the point that contrails are not smoke and will only dissipate quickly if the local RH allows them to, pretty much anywhere that reports anything is going to be under somebody's flightpath, air transport is global. And yet reports of things like morgellons is not.

There may well be a genuine cause of morgellons for all I know but simply pointing up towards contrails for blame is like me saying that British Airways caused my wheelie bin to catch fire, as one of there planes passed overhead a few minutes before, rather than finding the scroat that really did it.

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