"What we need, is a cure for greedlock."
- Ann Brower
It really brings back my faith in humanity to see a post about something like this on Reddit. I just found
this article and I felt an obligation to share this with my online, anonymous peers. I strongly
urge you to check it out, as it lays out our world's fatal flaw - the control of our currency - in an entertaining manner that has some very
intriguing and well said metaphors.
I will quote a bit to wet the palette.
Imagine if a tree were engineered like the US economy – with half of its mass centered in the top 10 percent of its height and 40 percent of its
mass concentrated in the very topmost branches. Whether redwood or oak, such a tree would not be stable in a windstorm. It would be destined to
topple. Of course, nature has better sense.
I really enjoyed reading this and it raises a perfectly valid point. There is absolutely no logical reason one person should have so much control over
everyone else, as it is extremely unstable and counterproductive when dealing with several billion humans.
It then goes on to illustrate one of the more disturbing yet eye-opening metaphors I have read on this subject.
Imagine if everyone in America was invited to parade down Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, DC. Imagine if the parade took just one hour. Imagine if
the march began with the poorest people in the lead. Imagine if all the marchers’ income levels were indicated by their height. Here’s what such a
parade would look like:
I would quote the rest, but I would not feel right doing so without approval from the author.
It is terrifying and paradigm shattering to think that our planet could still be ruled, in the year 2012, by kings and queens, whom most, if not all,
have obtained that position through lies, conspiracy, genocide, and financed world wars.
I try to think optimistically though so I will add that I believe that this can, in the long term, be used to further society.
For the first time in history, our planet, and every slave on it has the chance to realize that we all have one common enemy, The Elite.
I believe such a scenario is the only way humanity would unite at this point in our timeline. We still are ignorant of the bigger picture, destroying
our planet to make a quick buck. We still treat other humans as animals simply because they do not look the same as us, speak the same language as us,
or worship the same religious entity as us.
Most important of all, we have collectively devolved into lesser humans.
I could go on and on but I am already starting to go off-topic in my OP
edit on 5-9-2012 by theshepherd2 because: (no reason