I came across this the other day this is a BIG deal
It is a MANUAL of operations and introductions from 1979
And what really lends credence to it as well is that a week ago an ex CIA
agent was on public radio CTC and he said that in 1960s and 1970s CIA and
Pentagon lost tons of documents and other objects and evidence in drawers
and desks when it got thrown out after they buy new furniture. This was in
the old days before they had special team that works just on cleaning and
double checking these things.
The Manual goes into incredible detail, it doesn't just inform the person that
just got clearance for it. It also manipulates the person justifying all the bad
things as in "the people don't deserve better anyway" kind of thing.
The brackets [] in the manual are present day person comments, not original
part of the manual.
This ladies and gentlemen is literally a start up BIBLE of the shadow government
(Federal Reserve, ECB, NSA, CIA, Mossad, DOD, Pentagon and the rest)
I went through the WHOLE thing and I gotta tell ya, it left a sick feeling in
my stomach because I can see the development they built into present day
western word.
edit on 5-9-2012 by petertheskinny because: (no reason given)