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Huge, Hairy Giant Reported by Trio, Reviving Legend

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posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 10:25 PM
Another great eyewitness account pertaining to the Sasquatch.

There are many stories like this from around the world.

From the Article:

A giant wild man who has been terrorizing residents of Harrison Mills, near Vancouver, has caused revival of legends of a vanished race of "hairy mountain men," according to dispatches here today... ...Indians of the Ohelais Reserve asked about the creature, said that many years ago a whole tribe of the men lived in the region. They were called "Sasquatch" or "hairy mountain men/" They lived in caves and hunted with clubs and stones...

How many Sasquatch do you think are still around in North America?

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 10:29 PM
reply to post by TimesUp

I think maybe around 10,000. Maybe a little more

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 10:30 PM
Hairy mountain men? I'm not sure how many of us there are.

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 10:39 PM
I sometimes wonder if Indians just like to play jokes on the 'white man'.

Still I also like to think the sasquatch existed kind of like the mammoth or other similar styled creature.

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 10:40 PM

Originally posted by rickymouse
Hairy mountain men? I'm not sure how many of us there are.

bahahaha i was about to say the exact same thing lol

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 11:11 PM
I think your number of 10,000 seems likely. There is alot of empty wilderness in the Rocky Mountains that has yet to be explored. The Sasquatch might even be using the vast caves that weave throughout the region to help themselves remain hidden.

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 11:21 PM

How many Sasquatch do you think are still around in North America?

Considering Canadas enormity, I'll agree with around 10,000. Maybe between 3,500 - 5,500 in US.
A buddy of mine works for BFRO.. man he's got some stories

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 11:41 PM
This article was published on March 2, 1934...

There are many, many similar sightings stories, found throughout the net. My favorites are the Valley Men, reported by the Evenki hunters who inhabit the Tunguska region, near the Valley of Death, Siberia, Russia. (Yes, that Tunguska)

Also, there are some interesting correlations on this thread located HERE , between the Tunguska event, bigfoot type creatures, mysterious ancient cauldrons, and Nikola Tesla and the power of his inventions.
A lengthy but extremely interesting read...

And last but not least, the BFRO has a site which lists all reported sightings by State and County, with the date, so you can see what has been creeping around your neck of the woods...

BFRO Comprehensive Sightings Database

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 11:44 PM
Zero. Here is an exercise that might help you. How many Neanderthals lived in all the world? How many Denisovans? Were they able to hide from a very small population of people without technology?

Just because I want the point to stick I will answer. About 60-70,000 Neanderthals at their PEAK, in an area that encompassed all of Europe, Middle East, and some of Russia. They were easilly found and mated with and most likely slaughtered to extinction. Yet you think North America has 15,000 bigfoot that can't be found with modern day equipment?

It doesn't stretch credulity, it shatters it.

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 11:52 PM
reply to post by OccamsRazor04

Perhaps, your analogy would equate to comparing a bunch of inbred hillbillies to a sequestered city of rocket scientists?
Could they exist on our planet if they were simply smarter than us? Or, perhaps, have command of matter, beyond what we have discovered to date?

I mean, I know we keep telling ourselves that we are the pinnacle of knowledge on this rock, but...What if we aren't?
What if we are the ants, scurrying around repairing our grand structures as one "act of God after another" keeps tearing them down, and they own the farm?

Just a thought...

posted on Sep, 3 2012 @ 12:25 AM

Originally posted by GoOfYFoOt
reply to post by OccamsRazor04

Perhaps, your analogy would equate to comparing a bunch of inbred hillbillies to a sequestered city of rocket scientists?
Could they exist on our planet if they were simply smarter than us? Or, perhaps, have command of matter, beyond what we have discovered to date?

I mean, I know we keep telling ourselves that we are the pinnacle of knowledge on this rock, but...What if we aren't?
What if we are the ants, scurrying around repairing our grand structures as one "act of God after another" keeps tearing them down, and they own the farm?

Just a thought...

First, why are there 15,000 of them if they are the pinnacle of life on Earth. Second, where is evidence of their civilization. I can combat facts, not fairy tales. If you want to make stuff up as you go along feel free, if you want to live in the real world we can talk. Otherwise, what if you aren't real, only I am, I am a god in a coma and the universe is my dream. Let's stick to facts, as "what if" is pointless.

posted on Sep, 3 2012 @ 08:21 AM

Originally posted by OccamsRazor04
Zero. Here is an exercise that might help you. How many Neanderthals lived in all the world? How many Denisovans? Were they able to hide from a very small population of people without technology?

Just because I want the point to stick I will answer. About 60-70,000 Neanderthals at their PEAK, in an area that encompassed all of Europe, Middle East, and some of Russia. They were easilly found and mated with and most likely slaughtered to extinction. Yet you think North America has 15,000 bigfoot that can't be found with modern day equipment?

It doesn't stretch credulity, it shatters it.

Oh... Neandertals and Denisovians were all actively TRYING to hide from everyone? Cool, I did not know that. Next time it comes up in conversation I will have to mention that how they all tried to hide in the mountains and stuff, but as you say "were easily found". Thanks, that's a neat little factoid! Cause, most bigfoot sightings have the bigfoot disappearing or running off as if they somehow know that we are destructive and aggressive. But, those must all be fake like you said, but its not fake that Neanderthals and Denisovians shared that same feature that was mere fiction in the bigfoot accounts...

Well, I guess if they were trying as hard as they could to hide, as you say, and were still found by men without technology, then it doesn't make sense that bigfoot could've done it. I mean, hey, scientists agree that we have not even discovered half of the species that exist on earth, but you're a much greater scientist and so you just know that Bigfoot is not one of the millions upon millions of species that are still roaming around out there, undiscovered...

Or mayhap you have forged yourself as a great explorer who has visited every square inch of the earth and catalogued all living species and noticed that bigfoot was not one of them. Gosh, I would love to hear of your adventures some day! You should write a book about it one day! Yeah, you could call it Lord of the Lying Dumbasses...

posted on Sep, 3 2012 @ 08:46 AM

Originally posted by OccamsRazor04

Originally posted by GoOfYFoOt
reply to post by OccamsRazor04

Perhaps, your analogy would equate to comparing a bunch of inbred hillbillies to a sequestered city of rocket scientists?
Could they exist on our planet if they were simply smarter than us? Or, perhaps, have command of matter, beyond what we have discovered to date?

I mean, I know we keep telling ourselves that we are the pinnacle of knowledge on this rock, but...What if we aren't?
What if we are the ants, scurrying around repairing our grand structures as one "act of God after another" keeps tearing them down, and they own the farm?

Just a thought...

Let's stick to facts, as "what if" is pointless.

Wow...If "what ifs" were pointless, science would not exist!

First off, I never said that there are 15,000 hairy mountain men running around North America! I didn't even say there were 1,500 of them. But, perhaps, if they do exist, their intelligence is why they keep their numbers, low. And, perhaps, their intelligence is why they are yet to be proven. Heck! While we're at it, perhaps, their intelligence is so great, that they have the ability to shroud the possibility of their very existence, from the thoughts of mere men?

The FACTS are, thousands of people have been seeing these creatures in remote places on this planet for thousands of years. Believe it or not, there are some groups of people, who don't fear and/or dismiss anything that they don't understand. Native americans, accepted these beings, as part of their world. And, as such, were able to share a broader understanding of them.

Only a narrow, scared, little mind, could deny the existence of something, simply because it hasn't been proven. History is full of cases of new-found species.
This technology that everyone describes, that should be capable of sniffing out every single lifeform on the planet in only a few minutes, has only been available for a few years. And, apparently, there aren't enough people out looking for Squatch, to satisfy the naysayer's timetable.

Have you ever even been in a remote forested area, before? Do you know first-hand why you don't play hide-n-seek, in the dark, out there? Let me explain, in case you don't. It's dense. It's dark. Even in broad daylight, some vast areas are very dim. The terrain is not conducive to travel, let alone exploration. You could walk through an area 50 times, and completely miss something extraordinary...Here, let me make it easy for you...Have you ever been driving around in your own town, and seen something that you have never noticed before? A building or shop, or shortcut? And to think, you've probably driven past it a hundred times? Right there in your own backyard?....huh, go figure! Now, apply it to the woods, and to something that isn't advertising, and perhaps doesn't want to be seen!!!

Sorry, but I must quantify your oxymoron of a statement. You don't "combat" facts. Facts are facts. They are the part of a discussion that aren't discussed, because they are already agreed upon. In the real world, people discuss things that they don't understand. This way, due to a sharing of ideas, it's quite possible for each participant, to come away from a discussion with more knowledge, and usually more questions, than they had beforehand. This facilitates the learning process. And, allows us to examine the "facts" and fill in the blanks, and assimilate those thoughts and theories into our knowledge base, giving us a more balanced sense of purpose.

And as a comatose diety who dreams, you should know that!....

edit on 9/3/2012 by GoOfYFoOt because: spelling

posted on Sep, 3 2012 @ 10:41 AM
If a bear doesn't want to be seen by humans, you won't see it most times. If a deer doesn't want to be seen by humans it will be gone long before you come near. Infrared technology could not distinguish a yeti or Bigfoot from a bear. A yeti or Bigfoot from an airplane would look like a bear. It is possible that an intelligent creature that walks on two legs could exist but I doubt if there are many numbers of them. I doubt if most of the Bigfoot sightings are true though, it is possible that some might be though. The Yetti may be the northern version of the Big foot. There is evidence of some kind of creature in the mountains of Europe that was hunted to extinction. I think it was some sort of snowbear.. It walked on it's hind legs a lot. They could be of the ape family also or could just be another humanoid species with hair. Like I said, something with keen senses will not be seen in the woods if it does not want to be. I have hunted for many years and know this as a fact. An animal can sense things we cannot because they still have the ability to use these senses. Most of mankind has lost this ability but there are still a few people who have this ability.

posted on Sep, 3 2012 @ 10:51 AM
reply to post by GoOfYFoOt

Very good stern post, I hope it wakes this guy up. The DNR denied cougars existed up here in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan even though many people had seen them. There was no proof so they didn't exist. It was illegal to shoot one though. With the invention of trail cams they were proven to exist. Now there are verified sightings of them in many places. These cougars or mountain lions didn't just drop out of the sky one day, they have been here all along......Even though they didn't exist. It seems you need proof for something to exist nowadays which is verified by someone with the right credentials. This philosophy is wrong and dangerous. If you saw sharks in an area where they aren't supposed to exist would you go swimming there?

posted on Sep, 3 2012 @ 10:55 AM

Originally posted by rickymouse
... It is possible that an intelligent creature that walks on two legs could exist but I doubt if there are many numbers of them...

Now you're on to something. I seem to see thousands of these creatures every day, but intelligent? I don't know about that one...

Seriously though, joking.

Bigfoot is probably very real as the entire world has local names and stories about them.

It's only a matter of time.

posted on Sep, 3 2012 @ 12:54 PM
reply to post by TimesUp

How many do I think are in North America?

Alot. We just need to look in the right spots to find them.

posted on Sep, 3 2012 @ 03:41 PM
reply to post by A51TR3B

I don't think there are many of them. I think they are close to extinction if they exist. Maybe in areas far away from man like areas of Canada, Russia, around mountain regions, etc. I have never seen signs of anything other than the usual animals around here other than big cat tracks so I don't think there are any here. I have seen many strange people here though and I think I know them all. Birds of a feather flock together you know, I fit right in.

posted on Sep, 3 2012 @ 07:37 PM

Originally posted by rickymouse
reply to post by A51TR3B

I don't think there are many of them. I think they are close to extinction if they exist. Maybe in areas far away from man like areas of Canada, Russia, around mountain regions, etc. I have never seen signs of anything other than the usual animals around here other than big cat tracks so I don't think there are any here. I have seen many strange people here though and I think I know them all. Birds of a feather flock together you know, I fit right in.

They are in every large national forest or national and state park. Anywhere where hunting is prohibited is where they currently thrive.
Most of these parks have established trails that lead to anything noteworthy and therefore very few of us (even those that do the Appalachian trail) go too far into these woods off trail.
We have only really had consumer photography for maybe 100 years and portable video in the last 10 years, it will take time come up with solid evidence so the real studies can begin.
Unfortunately I feel that if any real discoveries where secured, they would be quickly shushed away to keep intact the current academic system of belief.

edit on 3-9-2012 by TimesUp because: (no reason given)

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