posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 08:03 AM
I read something about Jaron Lanier and Simon Reynolds, taken from " You're not a gadget " and " Retromania ".
And I understood there's a phenomenon in recent history that is somewhat frightening.
The current musical industry is defined as stagnant and obsessionated with the past.
Lanier says that contemporary music suffers from a persistent sleep, caused by the limitless offer available on the Internet and above all, thanks to
You Tube.
Lanier concludes that our culture shows all the symptoms of the sistematic exhaustion of possibilities, the end of all models and the decline of
Reynolds says music's evolution has stopped, for a technological reason; You Tube is atemporary, you tube is essentially timeless and has resulted in
a fusion of past and present.
Being us the people which can have access to precise information about the past, in such an unprecedented way, our culture, all culture, cinema,
music, history, habits, has been invaded by the past.
There will not be another Marilyn Monroe, another Michael Jackson, another James Dean, such as there will never be another history icon such as the
icons of World War 2.
The last unique and special decade was the 1980s.
Our culture has a disease of some sort, We should look again toward the future. We should pioneer new areas, we should create more and archive and
conserve less.
Unemployment is one of the characteristic symptoms of all of this...
People who are young now cannot dream anymore. Sure , they can dream, but their dreams cannot become real.
If history was an engine, we have lost so much of that historical propulsion, and we are in a stasis, in a void, in a dull period.
What can we do to change this process? What will happen if the future continues to be so? What will be of our culture in general if technology
advances more and more?