posted on Oct, 13 2004 @ 07:39 PM
i cant figure out the name or artist af this song maby you guys can help me
it starts out "you must die i alone am best" and the only other part i remember is this "i hope you pinto begins to spin and takes out a disables
vietnom veteran mows down a nobel peace prize winner and maby some mormins at christmas dinner perhaps ever the british roial family and the rabie"
something something "and we can forget the newly weds and those jerrys kids are as good as dead"and after that theres some guitar and he sings "i
hope this helps to emfasize"guitar "i gope this helps to clarafie"guitar"i hope you die" and i think these where the guys who sang "do it like
they do on the discovery channel"
please help so i can stop driving my self inssane :bnghd: