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The Alex Jones and Ron Paul Deception...

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posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 01:57 PM

Originally posted by RedPillFactory
Denying Ron Paul's obvious Masonic membership isn't very patriotic, now is it?

And sure, go ahead believing I work for CIA just because I read books instead of Infotard articles...

Even if was a mason he has more sound ideas than all the other mainstream candidates. Being a mason does not guarantee evilness, in fact only a very small percentage of them are luciferians.

And second there is NO proof he is a mason!

posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 03:27 PM

Originally posted by EarthCitizen07

Originally posted by RedPillFactory
Denying Ron Paul's obvious Masonic membership isn't very patriotic, now is it?

And sure, go ahead believing I work for CIA just because I read books instead of Infotard articles...

Even if was a mason he has more sound ideas than all the other mainstream candidates. Being a mason does not guarantee evilness, in fact only a very small percentage of them are luciferians.

And second there is NO proof he is a mason!

You're forgetting the handshakes, the hand signs, his Masonic fraternity, his wife in the Eastern Star, his daughters being Rainbow girls, the Illuminati card, his denial of 9/11 being an inside job, his economic stances that are in line with the Protocols of Zion, his MSM exposure that's done in a way to make him the underdog, his admission of being "the most pro-Israel candidate", his biggest campaign donor is a Bilderberger, his ties to the Kosher John Birch Society...etc.
All can be found here:

It doesn't guarantee "evilness", but it does guarantee that he has permission from the organization that Obama and Romney are a part of. Most Masons are puppets that don't even understand the rituals they're performing.

edit on 4-9-2012 by RedPillFactory because: typo

posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 03:36 PM
I seriously doubt Ron Paul is a Freemason. Even if he were, Freemasons are not the hidden hand that controls the world.

Alex Jones is a straight up money grubbing shyster. He is the PT Barnum of the Survivalist movement.

We are all missing the true conspiracy at play here. How Ron Paul has managed to siphon off votes from the ACTUAL Libertarian candidate, Gary Johnson.


posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 04:33 PM
reply to post by clay2 baraka

That's kind of my point here. That Ron Paul is a well-placed distraction. And that TPTB, whoever we want to argue they are, know how human emotions work and how to anticipate social movements.

posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 11:28 AM
reply to post by RedPillFactory

As far as evidence is concerned that's a bunch of crap. So maybe his father in law has a regular masonic affiliation and his college fraternity has masonic overtones. So what? It means he at most sympathizes with freemasons and perhaps harbors good will towards them. It surely does not mean he is a freemason. If he was, he would be proud of it and would tell you. The way you take wild speculation as truth is sick. Sure, I make the same mistakes but at least I try to remember I may be wrong in whole or in part. I have no problem if you have a feeling for this or that, just remember those are feelings, not facts. So you KNOW 911 was an inside job huh? You sure think you know a lot. Any idiot freemason would tell you that he does not know and - in fact - nobody #ing knows. Except for maybe a handful of very high level people. You could say "hey, I feel there's something wrong with the official version" or maybe "I think we haven't been let in the whole story". That would be wise. The way you do it? Completely foolish. You know #.
edit on 5-9-2012 by shiropa because: he

posted on Nov, 20 2012 @ 01:15 PM
There are many, "Lets bash Alex" Threads. I just tried to grab the most recent one, That I could find.

Let me first say, I do not know for sure where I sit with Alex Jones. But I do have to give the man credit for waking, or should I say slamming me awake a dozen years ago. And not just for waking me up but forcing me to look in the mirror and see that some of the things, a lot of the things he has said, I am guilty of myself.

I understand that he can be over the top sometimes. I also know that he can exaggerate on some things. Ok, many things. BUT... If you are honest with your self. You will also see that you stand guilty for over exaggeration and such, Just like I do!

I did not believe the things he was saying back then. That forced me to spend hours upon hours of digging into these things to find that for the most part, He is telling the truth. Just like I would not have taken the time to actually read a lot of the Bills, Acts, Directives and EO's. Had I not thought a lot of you were exaggerating or out right lying to me. To find that Many of you were actually not telling all that you knew about those things.

Enough babble for now. My point of this is to say that I must give Alex Jones Credit for one, waking me up to the corruptions in our Nation. But the most important thing of all that he has done for me, was to force me to just stop and look in the mirror and see where I am in the wrong and where I need to correct my ways, My thoughts and my actions.

So Thank You Alex Jones for forcing me to stop and look in the mirror and stand accountable to my actions or lack thereof.

Daily Reflection is good and all. BUT are you taking advantage of the second half of that? It Takes Daily Reflections & CORRECTION. or the daily reflection is worthless.

“There is nothing noble in being superior to others. True nobility lies in being superior to your former self.” - Indian proverb.

Are you continuously improving?

Babbling Idiot out

edit on 20-11-2012 by amethystmoon because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 22 2012 @ 06:27 PM
Before I came to this website, I have never heard anyone call Alex Jones a 'disinfo agent'... Not saying that he is or isn't... but damn

posted on Nov, 22 2012 @ 07:50 PM

Originally posted by RedPillFactory
reply to post by clay2 baraka

That's kind of my point here. That Ron Paul is a well-placed distraction. And that TPTB, whoever we want to argue they are, know how human emotions work and how to anticipate social movements.

agreed---- kinda...

all accusations aside...
it's blatantly true that both Paul and Jones attract people of a specific mindset.
if this is INTENDED... then they're pretty much what one could call "MAGNETS" or "HERDERS" for categorizing specific people.
you place people like Paul and Jones in the spotlight... and people who have certain attitudes and beliefs magnetize towards them.. they go on their websites.. and affilliate themselves with them... and poof.. easily categorizeable by "carnivore" type programs and placed on lists.

what an easy way to demograph your potential enemies... just put a personality out there as a decoy / bait and wait for the bites... once they "bite" they're listed .. and dealt with accordingly.

when i initially delved into all this a decade ago... i sided with jones...
then my eyes opened to the much-much larger picture.. regarding the Immenent Eshcaton and everything esoteric... transcendental.
now i see jones as either a knowing pawn, or an mk-ultra-esque-trained unknowing pawn, and Paul as a knowing player.

IMO they play to people who have JUST BARELY opened their eyes...who have a knee-jerk reaction to the usual generic introductory conspiratory fare.. (loose change, infowars documentaries..etc)..
....and/or ultra-patriots/fundamental christians who will stop at nothing to prevent the anticipated (and very necessary) change...
Michio Kaku would call them "Terra-rists" (those clinging to the old earth/world)...
Robert Anton Wilson would call them Neophobes... those afraid of change... as opposed to Neophiles.. those embracing novelty.
"roadbumps" as it were...

paul and jones are there to scoop them up.. with a prescribed plate of beliefs ready for their consumption...
juuuust like the Repub and Dem parties already have prepared for anyone with tendencies to sway their way.

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