reply to post by IsawWHATtheyDID
I think we are all suspicious of our governments, they have certainly earned that suspicion but I'm sorry I completely fail to see how that supports a
belief in chemtrails as anything other than a theoretical plan, so far.
For instance airlines are not government agencies in any sense of the word, they are private commercial companies, where is the evidence that the
government is engaged in chemtrail spraying? While chemtrailers can point to trails in the sky, your supposition that government or military pilots
are secreted within airlines to carry out spray flights is pulled completely out of thin air, do you not see the problem with using something like
that as a supporting argument? I know its supposition, but it is being presented to refute facts and that doesn't work. Chemicals would have to be
manufactured, transported, stored, loaded onto aircraft, their weights accounted for on each and every flight and actually used by someone. Where is
the evidential trail for any of this?
You missed my point regarding the photo. I'm willing to bet that the one with white tanks you saw is the Boeing photo I mentioned, its been posted on
here many times. The one I posted is the same system used by another manufacturer and is patently not secret or nefarious. Water ballast testing is
standard procedure but you have allowed yourself to be convinced that it is a photo of chemtrail apparatus, but why do you believe this?
It appears from many on here that anyone who claims chemtrail evidence is simply given a free credibility pass and believed immediately, why should
they? Why doesn't your suspicious nature extend to them? ESPECIALLY when so many claims and photos have been repeatedly demonstrated to be false,
which is ironic since the evidence-free conspiracy they push is so readily accepted by the 'suspicious minded'.
Really, I'm not having a go, I enjoy a healthy debate, but just think about it.
I'm not even trying to change your mind, I'm just pointing out that your suspicions seem one sided and you are accepting evidence from sources that
have been proven untrustworthy. Like many on here, I am awaiting genuine evidence with keen interest, but I won't simply accept fakes and lies because
they support my suspicions.
edit on 14-9-2012 by waynos because: (no reason given)