I share an unusual "left eye" issue with Jacque Booth and that's one reason why this story intrigues me.
The Bizarre Jacque Booth UFO Case -- Avon Lake, Ohio -- 1974
Classic UFO Cases
by Brent Raynes
My family lived in Avon Lake, Ohio before I was born. In recent years, I put some information together that leads me to believe my father was
connected to military intelligence. If that's true, he had a salesman front while living in Avon Lake, Ohio and in Bay Village, Ohio, and a front as
an apartment manager when we lived in Miami, FL.
He was off-premises a lot in his role as apartment manager. He said he had some building projects in Homestead, FL, and that that accounted for some
of his time away.
I was discredited as being mentally ill by my family when I was a Senior in college at the University of Miami as a Chemistry major, and have done
research over the years to try to understand why they felt the need to do that to me.
Another odd possible connection I have with the Jacque Booth story is that the article mentions a "June Madden" of Bay Village, Ohio, as also
having been a witness to a UFO.
My parents, Donna and Harry Landsberg, were friends with Arthur and "Jen Madden" of Bay Village, Ohio.
It is my belief that everything of importance was destroyed when John F. Kennedy was assassinated.
I have had a very strange adult life and the onset of the strangeness coincides with Reagan�s first election (1980). With George Herbert Walker
Bush as his Veep it is my opinion that our country was taken over by (truly) evil forces at that time.
As far as I�m concerned it all started in 1947 under Truman, with the creation of the CIA (of which GHW Bush was Director under Ford [who promoted
the �single bullet theory� in the JFK case along with Arlen Specter]).
Also, at that time (1980), I was violently discredited as being mentally ill while I was a senior at the University of Miami (Coral Gables, FL),
majoring in Chemistry.
For more than a decade I have done research on the evils facing our country and on those I myself faced.
I believe I have connected my father to the �single bullet theory� in JFK assassination. I knew him as a salesman and an apartment manager.
If I am right about this then this is miracle stuff because 1) I am still here; 2) I am still on the internet; 3) I tripped over the book that
started me on this path; and 4) two years later I tripped over the magazine that led me to believe my father was not who he appeared to be.
I may have been used for psychic research purposes as a child,
presumably by the U.S. government. I have what appears to be a long
surgical scar just above my right ear, where "the seat of the soul" is
located. It is possible that my psychic abilities were suppressed and
that was the purpose for the surgery.
On a list for survivors of government experimentation, one survivor
thought she might have recognized my father as among a group of
military personnel present when she was forced, after having been
tortured, to psychically attack and attempt to kill someone in a
"laboratory" environment.
My personal account has been on the internet for about 3 years now.
Only recently have I put forth real names and places.
I had a spiritual awakening last year and moved to distance myself
from my husband of 18 years. And then, over time, I saw him attempt to do some really strange psychic/paranormal things to hurt me.
I assume now, that since I have been a target my whole life, that my
husband was placed in my life for the purpose of isolating, draining,
and ultimately either killing or destroying my spirit.
Laura Landsberg Hanning