reply to post by ADVISOR
FEMA camps, NDAA, all the bailouts, the fact we are actually 222,000,000,000,000 in debt not the 16trillion most think( where did all the rest
disapear to? bunkers maybe? their sale has gone up 7,000% in the last 10 years)........
it just seems like they are preping for somthing, somthing that will change life as we know it, somthing maybe catastrophic, and all the while making
sure the 1337 i mean "elite" are well taken care of, bailouts anyone?
which is why it seems very odd to me that so many top level execs have just up and retired to sn the past couple years. i think they are building
sevret bunkers, and holding up in them, waiting for "IT" to pass.
i dont the "IT", much like we cant see a black hole, we can see it effects on everything around it though.
Which brings me back to your op, it is just another puzzle piece, but when combined with so many others, we start to see a pattern emerging, a pattern
i find both very telling( the worlds elite are about to pull a "2012" and get them and their families safe before warning the rest of us about
whatever they are so worried about.
Think for a minute or two, it cant only be because they are afraid of the people rising up to remove them, or they would just stop trampling us so
often to ease the stress some and save themselves, they are doing it intentionally, and dont care. Meaning to me, they know somthing is coming and are
preping for all they are worth behind the veil, with no choice to accomplish their plans but to run everything into the ground, dispite the
it seriously seems just like the movie 2012, or deep impact, where morgan freeman says, " we have spent way to money to hide, we will have no choice
but to admit it to the public" but only after their plan was already finished and beyond being jeopardised by the publics reactions.