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Uhinged Again! Chris Matthews and MSNBC Now Claim the Word 'Chicago' Is Racist

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posted on Aug, 30 2012 @ 06:05 PM
reply to post by jibeho

lol, you really have a nack for getting under the skin of all the obamazombies, they all come running to defend mathews, even though we all know he is a turd with a mouth hole carved in it.

for all the "mathews didnt say that" crowd, it was on his show, he made no attempt to argue what they were saying, which logically translates into, he agrees and more than likely put them up to saying it. If he didnt he would have stopped them, we have all seen the way he reacts to somone saying somthing he doesnt agree with on his show. I didnt see him threaten to cut off mics, or drop coverage, or even verbally berate anyone, for saying it. This, as evvidenced by his past behavior to any and all things he doesnt agree with being said on his show, proves he agrees, we have hundreds of youtube videos to show how he reacts to things he disagrees with.

posted on Aug, 30 2012 @ 07:45 PM
reply to post by jibeho

Chris Matthews is such a paid poster boy of the Democratic Party,
appealing to the older voters with his grey hair. His voice makes
my skin crawl. Hows that for a personal sentiment?

He is ANGER 101, LOL. Every time I hear him he is screeching like
a banshee at the top of his angry voice.

This election cycle must be getting under his skin.

posted on Aug, 30 2012 @ 07:57 PM
So if people are going to start claiming that the name Chicago is racist.....what are we to rename that large city in Illinois.....wouldn't want to be called racist you know

posted on Aug, 31 2012 @ 12:15 PM
Mathews just can't help himself. Here he is at it again. I guess he is promoting his new special about Obama and Race.

It must be difficult to be Chris Matthews. Seeing racism everywhere you turn, even in innocuous references to the city of Chicago, must be emotionally exhausting. What with all the outrage that particular viewpoint must require to be sustained, one imagines it’s almost enough to make a person break down in tears.

Which Matthews got quite close to doing yesterday on “Hardball,” as the MSNBC host’s voice broke while talking about the supposedly enduring legacy of racism in American politics/culture and plugging his upcoming special on Barack Obama being able to get elected seemingly despite it.

“Racism is the San Andreas fault of this country,” Matthews said. “People who dance on it, exploit it, enjoy it, risk widening that divide, opening it up back to where it was so recently. Nothing is simpler. Nothing is more primitive than to beat the drums of tribal grievance.”

Here he reiterates his usual racial code speak...The man is obsessed and can't even see the hypocrisy in his previous statment. Matthews is clearly one to dance on it and exploit thus driving the wedge ever deeper in our nation. Without Chris' banter these images and "hidden meanings" would never even surface in the minds of America.

Welfare cheating, food stamp grabbing are all part of the lingo, along with the old calls for law and order and states rights and all the rest,” Matthews said. “Say what you want, the message is familiar, deeply redolent of the old demagoguery that stirs up the working white people against the black.”

Watch the clip... What will Matthews come it with tomorrow???

Matthews needs to close his hole, stop cutting and bleeding the nation on the issue and most of all stop picking the scab that he has helped to create... Guess he has been getting his coaching and counseling from Al Sharpton. He's been at this for 4 years!!!!!
edit on 31-8-2012 by jibeho because: (no reason given)

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