posted on Aug, 30 2012 @ 12:00 PM
Farmer Debunks Corporate
Propaganda Against Proposed Law to Label Genetically Modified Food
Giant corporations like Monsanto, DuPont, Dow, Pepsi and Coke have poured $25 million into the No on 37 campaign.
The $25 million that has so far poured into the “No on 37” campaign comes from huge biotech, chemical and food processing corporations
(Monsanto, DuPont, Dow AgriScience, Pepsi, Coca-Cola). These are all companies whose primary motivation is profit, not the protection of consumers or
Please visit the link provided for the complete story.
GE crops are no friend to farmers, consumers, or the environment
Biotech corporations brag that their genetically altered crops are going to eliminate hunger, reduce pesticide use, reduce chemical fertilizer use,
better tolerate drought, and increase yields. If they really believe this, why would they think that a genetically modified organism (GMO) label is
scary? If they are proud of their successes, if they believe their products are so superior, why be afraid to label them?
Article goes into several "propaganda statements" being pushed by Monsanto to undermine GMO food labeling laws.
One of the troubling aspects of the anti-GMO food labeling movement by some of these mega-corporations is that instead of labeling food as genetically
modified (which most people seem to want), they would use the government to force farmers of natural, organic food crops to defend how their foods
aren't genetically modified. It shifts the burden to small, independent farmers who most likely would not have the means to do that.
Just another egregious act by Monsanto and their ilk.