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Why the groups that are even more conservative than most conservatives vote Democrat.

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posted on Aug, 30 2012 @ 12:46 PM
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

You keep. Using health care as an example, need I remind you that obamacare does not provide HC to anyone? It forces all to acquire it, reguardless of the fact, everyone( well almost everyone) would have it if it was within their means to acquire it. Making it mandatory does nothing to make it so, it only makes one more thing the poor have to have that isn't affordable in the first place. Making them by default, through no fault of their own, in contrast to the law.

In mans heart, he wants to work and provide for his family with his own hands, he doesn't want to stand in lines to be shaken down by the .gov so he can acquire handouts.

If those at the top would pay a fair wage for labors, almost all of our current economic troubles would be over in a matter of weeks. However those at the top believe, their 1 hour of labor to be worth more than a year of those at the bottoms. Even though it is obvious that the labor of all is equally important. Without a clerk at the store, or an attendant at the gas station life stops. So why do bankers that only steal wealth from others deserve millions a year for their labors, yet the guy keeping your car running so you can go to work only deserves 50K? Or the doctor that ovver charges for everything deserve to have 4 cars and 3 houses, yet the guy making all the surgical equipment the doctor uses only gets $15 an hour, and can barely afford a crappy car and an apartment?

The point is, our entire society is crumbling not because of religious faith or voting style. It is crumbling because those with, think those without don't deserve to have anything.

It isn't a repub or dem idiology that is effecting us all, it is the belief that because one can't afford $200,000 education, he deserves nothing but distain and ire, for he is lazy. Even though it is obvious to all that the lowest pay always means the most work.

Long ago, those at the top realized somthing fundemental about human interaction and thinking. Almost everyone can be broken down into one f two groups.

Republicans- think that the individual should be responsible for their own success and failures in all things.( this view is obviously flawed in that it isn't a perfect world where all get the same advantages and oportunities)

Democrats- think that while on an individual basis some may succede, most will not, as there is only so much space at the top, so more advantages and oportunities need to be offered to all to even the field.( this idiology is also flawed, as human nature shows now as well as throughout all of history, that a man will not work for what he can get for free.)

The reason for this divide was to pull in almost the entire populous, either by attracting you to the ideas of the group, or pushing you into the other because of your inablity to believe the values of the other. So Americans are either "right" or "left" now. No middle ground really.

I lean republican because I personally believe in the individual making or breaking their success in life, however I agree with democrats on the basis of, life happens somtimes, everyone doesn't get a real chance at success, so a leveling of the field is necessary, to some degree or another, as the game is fixed just like at a casino, those at the top intend to keep those at the bottom at the bottom forever.

I am not a religious person, I believe all churches and organized religions are EVIL in the purest sense of the word, they are used primarily to enslave the minds of the masses, and keep them divided, so as not to come together and work towards one end. Religion has killed more men than natural causes, it has ruined more lives than it has saved, it has divided the human race since before recorded history. It needs to end before it ends us.

posted on Aug, 30 2012 @ 01:06 PM
reply to post by olaru12

I have voted - more than once - towards the creation of at least one more real, workable, functioning, involved party - this two party system is killing us

What we need is balance and cooperation - even if that cooperation happens only out of necessity and having our hands forced now and then

An extra party or two might keep this whole thing honest and productive

But - I am but a dreamer...and possibly even a kook



posted on Aug, 30 2012 @ 01:10 PM
I think we have more in common than not, and we need to look for the ties that bind us together,

Most conservatives are not at all like my mothers conservatism.

posted on Aug, 30 2012 @ 04:24 PM
It seems that you are making the same mistake that the MSM makes in regards to Conservatives, and that mistake is grouping all of us together. The next time you meet a Conservative ask that person what it is exactly they want to conserve. I am a constitutional conservative, and that is the extent of my conservatism... everything else is libertarian. Some people are fiscal conservatives, some want to conserve what they consider to be family values. Some are all of the above.

posted on Aug, 30 2012 @ 07:56 PM
reply to post by Stormdancer777

Probably because the Republican party has a large amount of openly racists in it against minorities/anyone different.

posted on Aug, 30 2012 @ 08:09 PM
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

Your right Jesus wouldn't be a republican.

posted on Aug, 30 2012 @ 10:57 PM
reply to post by RealSpoke

eh....the democrats have a billion racists in their camp too....much more rabid too i must say.

people should seriously look at the issues and vote for the person who will do the better job. RP is that guy, but since that's not going to happen, i have to do whatever i can to make sure Obama is not re-elected. He has clearly failed. His fault or not, he has presided over a disaster. i think that is what will decide the election. i don't affiliate myself with any party. i'll admit that i'm a conservative person, but i don't vote straight ticket...i just want the disaster fixed...unfortunately, i don't think anyone can put the pin back in, so to speak...

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 05:20 AM
reply to post by xGuitarPlayerx

Sorry, the Republican party preys on and creates angry white guys...straight from a Reps mouth.

Sen. Lindsey Graham Says Republicans ‘Not Generating Enough Angry White Guys’

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) is warning Republicans that the strategy of relying on “angry white guys” is eventually going to doom his party.

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 07:22 AM
reply to post by Stormdancer777

That is because Republicans used to be about freedom, liberty and equality. It was Republicans that abolished slavery and then later ended the restrictions on voting. It was around that time that Democrats began infiltrating the Republican Party trying to eliminate everyone that didn't hold to the belief that white males were privileged and everyone else second class. As Democrats began to take over the Republican party, Republicans pulled the same switches and took over the Democratic party... they literally flip-flopped roles and values in a very short time.

The reason that most of the groups you mentioned vote Democrat today is because the Republican party has been taken over by extremists, zealots and zionists. I have no idea what type of indoctrination took place in the so called conservative culture over the past 2 decades or so but it is a terrifying throw back to white, christian male superiority.

posted on Sep, 3 2012 @ 10:47 AM
Because most people are out for number "ONE",

Who is using who?

Think about it, everyone is using everyone as a means to an end.

The democratic party is overwhelmingly conservative, with spiritual groups that have their own set of conservative values, it is going to take a sharp right turn and soon,


peace out

posted on Sep, 3 2012 @ 10:49 AM
reply to post by Kali74

Kail when you mention Zionist, you realize most Jews vote Democratic?

But Zionist are different then Jews ?

And you can tell one from the other?

Dating back to the 1920’s, Jewish voters have consistently, repeatedly, and overwhelmingly voted for Democratic candidates at the presidential, statewide, congressional, and local levels. And despite the belief that Jews would follow in the footsteps of other ethnic groups in growing more politically conservative as they became more established in the United States, the Jewish community has remained, by and large, a staunch, reliable Democratic constituency.
This, and recognizing the ongoing fascination with Jewish voter patterns among the political classes, led the non-partisan Solomon Project to release a report analyzing the Jewish vote over the past four decades. The results illuminate clear trends and habits, and demonstrate incredible consistency in Democratic support among the Jewish community.

edit on 103030p://bMonday2012 by Stormdancer777 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 10:26 AM
Transcript of Julian Castro's speech at the DNC

"Que dios los bendiga."

Read more:

posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 10:07 PM

Originally posted by RealSpoke
reply to post by xGuitarPlayerx

Sorry, the Republican party preys on and creates angry white guys...straight from a Reps mouth.

Sen. Lindsey Graham Says Republicans ‘Not Generating Enough Angry White Guys’

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) is warning Republicans that the strategy of relying on “angry white guys” is eventually going to doom his party.

Listen here....

We're trying as hard as we can, but Rush has fallen down with his insults and lies and is sounding more and more like he is back on the "hillbilly heroin" and lost his edge.ORilley, try as he might, just sounds like an old man and isn't making good sense. Sean and Fox has been caught with their pants down one to many times and the only real conservative worth listening to is the Michael Savage Nation.

edit on 5-9-2012 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 17 2012 @ 09:46 AM

Some black clergy see no good presidential choice between a Mormon candidate and one who supports gay marriage, so they are telling their flocks to stay home on Election Day. That's a worrisome message for the nation's first African-American president, who can't afford to lose any voters from his base in a tight race.

The pastors say their congregants are asking how a true Christian could back same-sex marriage, as President Barack Obama did in May. As for Republican Mitt Romney, the first Mormon nominee from a major party, congregants are questioning the theology of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and its former ban on men of African descent in the priesthood.

Read more on AP: Black Pastors Say 'Stay Home' Election Day
Important: Do You Support Pres. Obama's Re-Election? Vote Here Now!

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