posted on Jan, 5 2013 @ 08:33 AM
reply to post by wewillnotcomply666
The question needes to be asked, what happened before his wife started filming? Did he commit some type of offence? it needs to be judged in
Clearly he was resisting, its hard to see what type of taser was being used (most likely an X-26) but there seemed to be no cartridge on the front of
the taser and the man was given a drive stun and these are not really efffective
Very easy to get up from that, its like touching an electric fence your automaticly jump away from the pain.
If he was shot with the electrodes this would have been a completely different story and a 5 second cycle would have made the man incapacitated from
the neuromuscular incapacitation. In that case its "impossible to get up".
Also maybe the man was given instructions prior as to why he was being arrested etc and the cops had legally already stated what was needed.
In terms of why they could not cuff him, maybe its was the end of their shift and they were tired or whatever and could not muster up the strength to
wrestle his other arm behind his back
But i doubt it was the prayer that saved him, because if you get neuromuscular incapacitation from the torso you will not be able to get up!