posted on Aug, 29 2012 @ 08:36 AM
If you are a Ron Paul supporter, you shouldn't be surprised he didn't win the nomination.... I'm also not surprised that the RNC played some dirty
tricks, but the depth they went to did surprise me. Here was what I've been able to surmise based on my watching video from the floor, watching
twitter and scouring the internet:
- A bus taking the Virginian delegation (and others) to the rules committee picked them up an hour late and delayed them as much as possible,
so they missed the meeting and couldn't vote on behalf of their minority report.
- Maine was unseated, but there were apparently replacement delegates (14 for Romney, 10 for Paul), so the injustice of it all was not apparent.
- The Colorado chairman apparently abstained on behalf of the Ron Paul delegates he was speaking for, since he couldn't bring himself to give their
- The establishment played microphone tricks and seated Paul supporters in the nosebleeds, so the cameras saw only Romney signs.
- Ron Paul delegate totals ended up at least than half of what they should have been, indicating a lot more BS that ordinary viewers wouldn't figure
- Romney was ultimately nominated with over 2000 votes, and some blonde bitch refused to repeat Ron Paul's votes after each state...she only
repeated Romney's.
- Everything that was televised looked to go smoothly (except for her, and Wolf Blitzer at CNN pointed out how they're ignoring Ron Paul's votes),
but there were tons of shenanigans behind the scenes beforehand.
- Paul Ryan won the VP slot by default over loud apparent "nays," since the leadership invoked the rule about him being the only one with enough
support ahead of time to be considered.
At 1:07 in the video, there was a vote held with the no's equaling the yay's; the nay's were ignored. The Texas delegation made a motion for
division, which would have put the votes to a tally, and they were ignored. The Maine delegation called for point of order, and they were ignored.
This vote was essentially to change the rules removing the Maine delegation from their seats and they were replaced by Romney supporters. Removing
this delegation meant that RP was no longer in for nomination because he no longer had plurality in 5 states.
Later, 6 states signed petitions to have RP nominated from the floor, only 5 were needed. The RNC immediately changed the rules to require 8
Removed Rules Committee members who were against the initial rule changes and replacing them with their own people.
Please share any others that you might have noticed