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A theory on the conspiracy

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posted on Oct, 13 2004 @ 12:04 PM
Not sure whether this should appear in this section of the forum, or in the religious conspiracy one, but since it mainly pertains to aliens, I'll put it here. My theory on the conspiracy about aliens is as follows. People always blame the US govt. (and the govts for other countries as well) for being the ones responsible for keeping all the information about aliens suppressed. I won't deny that the govt. definatly plays a large part in the suppression. But I think the main to find the main suppressive force, we need to look at a larger, more powerful and far more rich group; organized religion. My theory is that religious groups are the ones that mainly cover it all up. They make way too much money and have way too much influence to risk any/all of it. If the truth about life outside earth were shown, then people's belief in the organized religions (as they exist today anyway) would be shattered, and much of the power of the religious groups would be lost. And like the oil companies not wanting alternative power to threaten their source of income and power, neither does religious groups. I believe that the governments only reason for suppression is to prevent the riots that would insue from the religious uprisings, and to deny the source of modern technology. No one, the govt. included wants to have to confess, that everything we know (from the origins of the componants of computers, to everything they've created for us) isn't our own work. We don't want to have to think that humans aren't the strongest, smartest group as they are portrayed to be. When in actuality, we really just copy off of what comes down to us from far superior beings. We just cover up the source of most of our knowledge, and since the US govt. gets their hands on more techology than a lot of other countries do, we also suppress it so that we can maintain our monopoly on reverse engineered techonogly. This is just my theory, based off my blief that whoever has the most money and power, is the most likely source of the grand conspiracy. Any thoughts or reactions?

posted on Oct, 13 2004 @ 12:15 PM
There are many references that seem to indicate that the government may instead be attempting to integrate religion and aliens. The so-called "yellow book" comes to mind, and such claims are believed by many (myself included) to be disinformation leading up to the conditioning of the people to accept the existance of aliens, when it goes public, without impacting long-held beliefs and institutions.

Much of this part of UFO folklore entails that Jesus was actually a hybrid, and that other such religious leaders were as well (Mohammad, Budda, etc.) and that man was altered genetically by the aliens over the course of our development.

There are MANY holes to this idea, and I am NOT trying to espouse or defend it. Indeed, I think it a complete fabrication... However I can see WHY the government would want to put this out there, and it would be an excellent method to "keep the peace" as it were. When the revelation is made, considering the aliens are also cooperative in this....they too might even support this idea for just such a reason. Hell, they may even be correct, we'll really have no way to verify it, one way or the other...

posted on Oct, 13 2004 @ 12:41 PM
Your idea has merit, I think that your idea that religion is the driving force for informational suppression is a side effect of the power elite who tend to religiously bent anyhow. So I could see how the elites' influence would grab the support of religious leaders in their activities.

[edit on 13-10-2004 by Der Kapitan]


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