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Unusual clounds and unidentified sound (video and images included) - no aliens just denying ignoranc

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posted on Aug, 28 2012 @ 12:27 AM

Originally posted by CaptainBeno
OK, what is this?

That my friend is a menacing reflection of my kitchen lamp (see first page and my OP for info)

posted on Aug, 28 2012 @ 12:32 AM

Originally posted by IAmD1
Awesome I think the unusual sounds might have found at least one explanation that is plausible... wall clouds and the sounds of a tornado forming... excerpt from the below link (click on the what does a tornado sound like on the right)

"People who have been in a tornado say it sounds like a jet engine or a freight train and is very loud. ......"

I love it when i learn something new.

Well, I'll tell you right now, that is NOT the sound of a tornado, or one forming. I've been right on top of funnel clouds many times, and within 100 yards of an EF3 tornado where I was not indoors to muffle any sound. I also had an EF1 go right next to our car. They don't make that sound.

The more likely explanation would be the planes mentioned above.

Though, to be honest, it sounds just like the sounds heard all over the world. I've never heard them in person, but I don't think they're planes.

Edit: Also, the above poster is right, the sun is reflecting off that cloud and making it APPEAR to be glowing.
edit on 28-8-2012 by tport17 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 28 2012 @ 12:39 AM

Originally posted by meemaw
Interesting post and photos! I wonder if you live in close proximity to an airport? I do and on occasion, I hear the same type of noise as the Boeing Turbo Props are taxiing on the runway. The clarity and volume of he noise is dependent on how the plane is taxiing. If he is heading towards or away from me, I hear the noise. If the plane makes a left or right turn, the noise lessens or disappears. A few minutes into your video, it sounds like he has taken off.

As to the orange clouds, I speculate that this relates directly to the intensity and time of day of the storm. Storm clouds can take on various colours, orange being one of them and it appears when the sun is lower on the horizon and the clouds are carrying a lot of moisture, either rain or hail. Hail is caused by strong updrafts in the clouds. Hail bends sunlight towards the yellow, green or orange end of the spectrum. The more hail there is, the more the light is bent. If you're in an area that doesn't normally see drastic shifts in weather systems (cooler and dry air mass immediately replaced by hot and very moist or vice versa) then this can appear highly unusual don't have a source for this, just a few braincells still firing what I learned in high school Geography and meteorology classes.

Clouds are definitely menacing but I really don't think it's anything sinister. Everyone the world over is saying they're experiencing what they feel is abnormal weather lately....

Yes as my OP stated I do live fairly close to an airport an hear the flights taking off and Landing all day long why I said this particular sounds was unusual I've never heard it before it did oscillate so if it was a plane taxing on the runway it must have been going around in circles for a long while. My video is the sevond of two I think the sound went on for at least 10 minutes or more after I took notice . I don't know what kind of airplanes they have at that airport but I believe they are mainly small national flights taking off from there. The type that have between 10-30 seats but I'll have a look on their site see if they have the larger type. In any case I really do believe it's a plane making the noise alternatively the turbulence under the weather conditions. My reason for posting was that my video was so clear and the unusual cloud cover so obvious I though maybe the minds of ATS could figure it
Out not just for me but everyone who have heard unusual noise in the skies. ATS is not letting me down this time either.

This is why I love this website

posted on Aug, 28 2012 @ 12:50 AM

Originally posted by tport17

Originally posted by IAmD1
Awesome I think the unusual sounds might have found at least one explanation that is plausible... wall clouds and the sounds of a tornado forming... excerpt from the below link (click on the what does a tornado sound like on the right)

"People who have been in a tornado say it sounds like a jet engine or a freight train and is very loud. ......"

I love it when i learn something new.

Well, I'll tell you right now, that is NOT the sound of a tornado, or one forming. I've been right on top of funnel clouds many times, and within 100 yards of an EF3 tornado where I was not indoors to muffle any sound. I also had an EF1 go right next to our car. They don't make that sound.

The more likely explanation would be the planes mentioned above.

Though, to be honest, it sounds just like the sounds heard all over the world. I've never heard them in person, but I don't think they're planes.

Edit: Also, the above poster is right, the sun is reflecting off that cloud and making it APPEAR to be glowing.
edit on 28-8-2012 by tport17 because: (no reason given)

Yes I agree with the sun reflecting I was hoping I would be given a scientific explanation of how that happens which I believe I did . The sun was setting behind me so it was some sort of refraction going on.
Nature is a wondrous thing never cease to impress and amaze.

As for the sound having heard it in person I have to say the intensity of the sound do not quite translate onto video, the unusual thing about the sound is although it has general direction it never seems to move position just intensity and sounds like it travels arounds on the spot sort of. My minds eye translated it as a speaker turning around sending the noise in different directions. Also it does sound more like a sirene of sorts than a craft. But this was why I wanted ATS to hear it. I do not have enough in my own knowledge base to be able to say for sure whatade the noise. It has been clear in the skies since then and I have not heard it again, looking forward to seeing if I get to hear it the next time we have clouds in the skies like that.

posted on Aug, 28 2012 @ 05:32 PM
reply to post by CaptainBeno

Window's "Paint"

Oh and watch those margins next time.

edit on 28-8-2012 by LilDudeissocool because: I added a smart A comment.

posted on Aug, 28 2012 @ 05:51 PM
As someone else said earlier, the clouds look like what happens when a frontal boundry moves through when there is a decent temperature difference between the air masses. Also, sometimes if the cloud cover is not very thick, the Sun can give it a glowing effect. Nice Lamp UFO

The sound does sound like a prop job airplane. I live near a small airport and sometimes I hear a sound like that when a plane is moving around in position or the plane is changing the pitch on the props. If it is windy that can also affect the sound and make it vary like that. I was waiting to hear the sound pitch upwards for a take off but I guess it either wasn't captured or the video was cut short.

Just my 0.02

posted on Aug, 28 2012 @ 06:06 PM
Hahahaha Positioned nicely! Jeeez, thought I was on to something then!!

posted on Aug, 29 2012 @ 11:25 AM

Originally posted by Terminal1
As someone else said earlier, the clouds look like what happens when a frontal boundry moves through when there is a decent temperature difference between the air masses. Also, sometimes if the cloud cover is not very thick, the Sun can give it a glowing effect. Nice Lamp UFO

The sound does sound like a prop job airplane. I live near a small airport and sometimes I hear a sound like that when a plane is moving around in position or the plane is changing the pitch on the props. If it is windy that can also affect the sound and make it vary like that. I was waiting to hear the sound pitch upwards for a take off but I guess it either wasn't captured or the video was cut short.

Just my 0.02

Hi thank you I do like my lamp although I never expected anyone would mistake it for a UFO - it's actually quite ordinary

The video has not been cut short and I never heard a plane take off after only planes coming and going in the air,. I also hear the sounds off the airport regularly but I've not yet until this day heard that sound not in the days following either. I do however agree that it most likely is that.

posted on Aug, 29 2012 @ 11:27 AM

Originally posted by CaptainBeno
Hahahaha Positioned nicely! Jeeez, thought I was on to something then!!

You were, you were, you saw the light!

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