posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 10:01 PM
As we move onward towards the future we gain knowledge and many things we thought not possible become reality. As we discover new things or as we are
taught differently of many things, others are put aside, sometimes to resurface, and sometimes gone forever. All can easily be changed within time.
Just think about how society has become now and how it was before. Newer knowledge, ideas, and such have replaced others. But there are cases in which
some of the greater things of the past have been put aside.
As a whole, or maybe as an individual, there are plenty of paths taken that lead to the infinite paths ahead. I bet some of you could name some that
are at the top of your head but right now I can't think of many examples at the moment ^^ Just had to post this though while it was fresh in memory.
But what do you think we have lost overtime that we should bring back. What good and bad things have we gained and lost?