posted on Aug, 25 2012 @ 07:40 PM
My particular interest in this flap started after two sightings on one evening, august 17th. Each sighting concerned an orange blazing light crossing
the sky above my head, flying much lower than an airliner. There was about 10 minutes in between the two sightings of the lights. Their speed, form
and particular, 'dynamic flaming' colouring made it only logical to exclude the possibility that it were orange chinese lanterns. In my case both
lights went in a straight line, both were pretty fast, but the second was faster. After seeing them I was curious whether other people also had.
Actually, many people saw these lights, on different days and some of the posters even claim they have seen these orbs leave straight lines.
This is the forum I found the other sightings, it's in Dutch, but that can hardly be problem: .
The Netherlands is experiencing a ufo-flap (it seems there has been one before, in the seventies), but in mainstream media it has mostly been ignored.
It's time to have your camera at hand in Holland. And some actually do:
(at 0.40 - 0.48 you can see the small light (down at left of the bigger light) accelerating.)
very different from my sighting, but anyhow: tens of sightings of orange orbs/fires and I have absolutely no idea what these lights can be. For earth
grazing meteors (as shortly before the Perseids came around) they are too many, as there are only four earth grazing meteors recorded.
edit on
25-8-201: wrong link to video, text added
edit on 25-8-2012 by Spinoza73 because: (no reason given)
edit on 25-8-2012
by Spinoza73 because: textissues (more may follow)