posted on Aug, 31 2012 @ 11:50 PM
reply to post by wittgenstein
The plan I am advocating? Are you kidding? I never said that. But it was Clinton who forced banks to make bad loans that were never repaid and were
defaulted on, and Barney Frank said all was fine while he was presiding as overseer of Fannie/Freddie. It never ceases to amaze me how people turn
this stuff all around to implicate the free market economy and capitalism. But then that is what socialists and communists do(and people who don't
understand these systems).
Do you really believe that the regulations this admin has instituted are going to help you? Tell you what, if Obama has another term let's revisit
this again and see what you say.
Just because I advocate free enterprise does not mean I advocate Big Business or Big Pharma and I definitely don't advocate Big Govt. I believe in
moderation in all things. It is sickening to see people bash business, while banging away on their computers which some corporation made.
As I have said to other people, the alternative is the collectivist farms like Russia had under Stalin. Good luck with that if that's what you want.
Just how do you think the socialists are going to get their money to fund big govt if they are not seizing money from the corporations? How could they
even do that if corporations didn't exist? If we went back to the 1700's, we would find that the little people would be taxed after they milked their
cows for the day. Have fun with that. And take some classes in economics. But even that won't help you if you can't think your way through it with
some common sense.
The whole Occupy thing is outrageous because these people were using their corporate made iphones and computers to whine and complain about
wanna go back to the agrarian way of life? The pioneers worked themselves to the bone and they even had guns in case the wolves came out of the woods
to eat their livestock. Oh wait, you don't want guns either right? What are you going to do ? How are you going to live? Are you going to go pick
berries out of the woods?
edit on 1-9-2012 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)