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Greetings from Maine ...

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posted on Oct, 13 2004 @ 01:27 AM
Hello all:

Just wanted to introduce myself to all of you.

I live and work in Maine. My primary field is dietary manager and I am a reserve police officer. I am retired USAF (E-6), and have worked in several types of careers. I have been a patient advocate (USAF), corrections officer (State and County levels), cook (fastfood, family style and medical facilities), training manager (while USAF), maintenance manager, and computer systems manager (while USAF).

I am a former small business owner (exports/imports) and learned the hard way - no there is no such thing as making money the easy way. Though short-lived, I learned much in the process about myself.

My interests include and are not limited to: scandals, scams, controversial subjects, some politics (if I am in the mood for it), and learning what is the truth compared to the lies in life.

I am a firm believer in the general good that can be found in all mankind but, give benefit of the doubt that evil does exist in our lives. I am cautious, quiet (at times - on my choosing) and usually reserve my opinions to those closest to me.

This is the first membership I have ever had to somethimg like this and look very forward to expressing my opinions and being receptive to the opinions of others in a like subject area. I eagerly anticipate healthy, intellectual debate and hope to get to know all of you through posts.

I have had the luxury of traveling to many places and having been stationed in the great states of Texas, California, Alaska, and Maryland. I hope to learn alot from ATS and look forward to letting all of you know me.

Thanks for the chance (and if you wanna adopt me - page me on my yahoo messenger for a chat to get to know me).

posted on Oct, 13 2004 @ 01:30 AM
Hello! And welcome aboard.

posted on Oct, 13 2004 @ 01:31 AM

Welcome to ATS. Hope you have fun and u2u me if you have any questions,


posted on Oct, 13 2004 @ 03:48 AM
Welcome aboard, Guardian_of_Truth! Get ready and enjoy the ride...just beware of the addiction factor here,lol!
You put forth a nice introduction, and if I can help you in any way, just u2u me.
Much information, thoughts and opinions (including obvious hallucinations, from some folks) pass throgh here...
Were you at Elmendorf, while in Alaska? I live but a short distance away from there, and actually I work there during the summer months. I spent 7 months this year working near the flight line- kinda glad the season is over,there was sooo much noise...all day long!
Anyhow, enjoy yourself, and feel free to ask if you need anything.

posted on Oct, 13 2004 @ 09:36 AM
Greetings guardian_of_truth, glad to see a fellow Mainer.

posted on Oct, 13 2004 @ 09:40 AM
I'm also a Maineiac, currently living in England, and also retired AF (E7 - cop). I'd shoot you an e-mail but am new here & don't know how to do that...don't have Yahoo Messenger or any other IM's loaded.



posted on Oct, 13 2004 @ 12:24 PM
welcome guardian_of_truth

any questions feel free to u2u me
if you need anything have fun and enjoy

cya around se7en

posted on Oct, 13 2004 @ 04:04 PM
I too am from Maine! Great to see others from this fine state! Hope to get to know u!


posted on Oct, 13 2004 @ 10:22 PM
Thanks for the warm reception.

Journey - I was stationed at Elmendorf AFB from 1984 until 1987. It was my overall FAVORITE and most educational assignment of my career. If I had the chance, I would return there to live amd work. In fact, the subject of relocating back to Alaska has circulated between my daughter's law enforcement instructor in high school and myself. Kids are graduating high school in another year - soooo .... we just might be fellow Alaskans. TY for the warm welcome.

P.S. I'm already addicted ... lol

Hello and a fond mention to fellow Mainers Blueeyedangel, Azeari of the Radiant Eye (once a Mainer always a Mainer ... lol), and Mainer.

Also a fond thank you to all who have posted - I am eager to learn and will post my opinions as the urge arises. For the moment, I think it sufficient to peruse the subject matter I have interest in,

If I have any questions or comment - I can assure you, I will not hesitate to ask or comment. Thanks again for the warm welcome!!!

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