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I don’t think anything major will happen at the RNC Convo, but I can see it happening at the DNC c

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posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 01:07 PM
Say it ain’t so TDawg! Posting such a prediction! Hogwash!

Truth be told, I am unsure as to where to post this.

But it is not a prediction, more of a theory.

My take on it is this. If an event happens at the RNC convention, they will garner a sympathetic vote. Something that the opposing party actually fears. I think that the people in charge of the various myriad of security are actively data mining, looking for that one fruit loop that will actually have a impact to sway public opinion.

People already expect protests, so that will be taken for granted.

However, if there were to be a catastrophic event at the DNC convention, then they would garner the sympathetic vote…mobilize the base so to speak, which is stagnant at this time for the most part.

We have been down this road before.

The Lesbian who allegedly scarred herself to gain attention to the LGBT movement.

The guys who destroyed a Democratic campaign HQ in their town…who were actually Democrats themselves and did so to try to tarnish the opposing sides rep.

Just a few thrown out there. The list goes on.

I think that the RNC convention will go on as planned. No aliens, no terrorist attacks, and no false flags.

I’m keeping my eye on the DNC convention though.

If I am correct, did I just make a prediction?

edit on 24-8-2012 by TDawgRex because: Just wakin' up. Night shift...'nuff said

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 01:11 PM

The Lesbian who allegedly scarred herself to gain attention to the LGBT movement.

The guys who destroyed a Democratic campaign HQ in their town…who were actually Democrats themselves and did so to try to tarnish the opposing sides rep.

Or a girl who carved a "B" in her face and blamed it on Obama supporters.

Oh wait...she was a Republican.

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 01:12 PM
reply to post by TDawgRex

If there was an "incident" at the RNC convention it would bring sympathy to their cause... Seems way more likely the opposite (DNC) would be attacked to draw sympathy.

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 01:14 PM

Originally posted by OutKast Searcher

The Lesbian who allegedly scarred herself to gain attention to the LGBT movement.

The guys who destroyed a Democratic campaign HQ in their town…who were actually Democrats themselves and did so to try to tarnish the opposing sides rep.

Or a girl who carved a "B" in her face and blamed it on Obama supporters.

Oh wait...she was a Republican.


Lots of weirdos out there. I had forgot about that one.

But I still see my original post happening and hope that I am totally, completely and unwaiverably wrong.

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 01:19 PM

Originally posted by IsThisThingBugged
reply to post by TDawgRex

If there was an "incident" at the RNC convention it would bring sympathy to their cause... Seems way more likely the opposite (DNC) would be attacked to draw sympathy.

That was what i was thinking as well, all about motive and what the end goal would be....these guys are all about the end justifying the means.

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 01:33 PM
reply to post by TDawgRex

Rumors are already spreading that the only reason Joe Biden is being sent to Tampa next week will be draw sympathy for the Democrats. This is a rare move from what I've read and it's expected to draw lots of controversy. Hoping to result in sympathy? Union thugs posing as Tea Party members gone wild to attack Joe? It will be interesting. Joe needs some sympathy right now. LOL!

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 01:37 PM
You have to ask yourself, why is Joe going?

"Sheriff: Biden's Tampa visit strains RNC security"

Gee said his office is committed to having a strong presence in Tampa as well as protecting the rest of the county.

He said it is unprecedented for a sitting vice president to pop into a city where the opposing political party is holding its national convention.

Adding to the concern is Tropical Storm Isaac, which is forecast to affect the Tampa area on Monday. Evacuations and even cancellation of the RNC has been discussed. "We're stretched, no doubt, and we may become more stretched with this storm out there," Gee said.

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 01:44 PM
I counter your 'prediction' with this...

Tampa authorities bonded out real criminals in anticipation of mass arrests at GOP Convention

Now, I'm not saying either way, as I cannot tell the future, but it seems that someone high up is anticipating something large at the RNC.

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 01:45 PM
I think it's looking very likely that a Hurricane is going to make protest conditions very put it kindly.

Of course, I'll enjoy seeing them show up anyway if they want to be out there like drowned rats. Who knows.... A few protesters might underestimate what a close swipe by a Hurricane is like. It really will be entertaining.

Who'd even need to send cops outside? Just lock the doors and nature does the rest. Err... (thinking of Twister and the flying cow... ) It might be a bit windy with all that rain.

Now if that hadn't come up....I think Occupy and the Anarchists were looking at protesting and one would have been peaceful while the other ...Well, some have their own agendas and parties don't mean squat to 'em. American is sufficient to be against.

Now the DNC may be the fair weather location so everything meant to split between the Conventions will be piled up and good to go for just one. The DNC may be real lively, but by stroke of fate more than I think it was intended by planning. There too, I figure Occupy and the Anarchists....and by reports, the two aren't necessarily the same thing anymore. We'll see soon enough..

Looks like a wet one alright. Just enough of a sideswipe at this point to make everyone outside pretty miserable I'd guess.

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 01:49 PM
I made a post about this yesterday and was basically lambasted out of the park....

Granted, I quoted Ulsterman in my post, and that's like posting something about Steven Greer.

Personally, a lot of people outside of ATS think Ulsterman's insider has been right about a lot...

Anyway, here's a link to the thread.

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 01:49 PM

Originally posted by Deetermined
You have to ask yourself, why is Joe going?

"Sheriff: Biden's Tampa visit strains RNC security"

Gee said his office is committed to having a strong presence in Tampa as well as protecting the rest of the county.

He said it is unprecedented for a sitting vice president to pop into a city where the opposing political party is holding its national convention.

Adding to the concern is Tropical Storm Isaac, which is forecast to affect the Tampa area on Monday. Evacuations and even cancellation of the RNC has been discussed. "We're stretched, no doubt, and we may become more stretched with this storm out there," Gee said.

The "Perfect Storm" so to speak.

But is Biden really that stupid to offer himself up as a sacrifice?

No amount of “We’ll keep you safe, Mr. Vice-President.”, from the Secret Service could convince me otherwise. The assassination of a sitting VP would be devastating to the Romney camp. But does anybody think he wants to be a martyr?

With Biden out of the way, Hillary would be the next VP.

More than likely, the one who most in the DNC actually want.

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 02:04 PM
reply to post by MRuss

Can't say I am a fan of Ulstermann but this one does sound credible.

It would be hilarious though if the Romney/Ryan security team foiled a plot against the sitting VP and saved him.

I wonder what would come of that?

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 02:10 PM

Originally posted by TDawgRex

The "Perfect Storm" so to speak.

But is Biden really that stupid to offer himself up as a sacrifice?

No amount of “We’ll keep you safe, Mr. Vice-President.”, from the Secret Service could convince me otherwise. The assassination of a sitting VP would be devastating to the Romney camp. But does anybody think he wants to be a martyr?

With Biden out of the way, Hillary would be the next VP.

More than likely, the one who most in the DNC actually want.

I'm reading all kinds of rumors about that too! :lol

Except that Hillary has already declined any chance to team with Obama as she thinks it will ruin her too.

Here's the ultimate rumor and the only one that I've read that might persuade Hillary to get involved...

1. Something happens to Joe that takes him out of the V.P. running position.

2. Hillary agrees to step in as V.P. candidate ONLY UNTIL...

3. Hillary is promised that Obama will resign or be impeached due to Fast and Furious or something similar and then she steps in to fill Obama's shoes as President.

In any case, I've read conspiracies stating that Obama is already planning his exit and is trying to secure a place in Costa Rica.

I can't wait until this election is over!

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 02:13 PM
I suppose it's possible, but I think both conventions will go as planned without any trouble other than some protesters.

Then again, something real big is looming over the GOP convention.

Ron Paul may get the nomination!

I can see the chaos now.....little babies crying, grown men crapping themselves, women fainting and small animals running for cover!

Oh, and Joe Biden gets blown out to sea, only to find the lost city of Atlantis.

This is gonna be fun!

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 02:31 PM
I remembered something... In considering the possibility of trouble there, let's not forget about this which came up a short time ago..

The Federal Protective Service a child agency of the behemoth Department of Homeland Security (DHS), which is tasked with protecting property owned, occupied or secured by the federal government, seems to be getting ready for a riot or riots in the very near future.

The solicitation was posted on July 25, 2012 with a response date of July 26, 2012 and delivery a mere 15 days later.

The items required are: 147 “Upper Body and Shoulder Protection” which are brand name or equal to “Centurion Soft Shell Riot Control System (CPX2500),” along with 152 “Thigh-Groin Protector” brand name or equivalent to “Centurion TPX200,” 156 “Forearm Protectors” brand name or equivalent to “Centurion (FP100),” and 147 units of “Hard Shell Shin Guards” brand name or equivalent to “Centurion (TS70),” 147 carry bags brand name or equivalent to Exotech (E4), 147 tactical gloves brand name or equivalent to “Damascus (DMZ333),” and 147 riot helmets brand name or equivalent to “MaxPro (TR1000).”

The upper body and shoulder protection must “effectively protect the torso and shoulders from blunt force trauma” and “safely absorb blows delivered from blunt objects,” while the riot helmets must have an “adjustable tactical face shield with liquid seal” and be compatible with the “3M Full Face Respirator FR-M40B masks.”

Whatever other security they have, it seems these are their shock troops if the regular security fails. It sounds like they're only a half step from storm troopers. Just que the music at the appropriate time. Sealed face masks built in and everything. Quite a set up.... and heck, the armor would even let them move freely around in debris filled wind. It wouldn't likely bother them all that much if it was just rain and some blowing trash.

Something has them spooked to make such an order at the very last minute...

edit on 24-8-2012 by Wrabbit2000 because: (no reason given)

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