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Chinese global government aspirations

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posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 11:41 AM
Excerpts from international affairs forum's summer issue, all about the emergence of China.

From "Norms, values, and exceptionalism in China's world view."

There is a buzz in Beijing: Chinese people are very optimistic that the 21st century will be the “Chinese century.”

First sentence of the essay reflects a fundamental difference in current attitude between East and West. America trends toward the negative as China prepares for dominance.

. In the early 2000s, arguments for a Chinese-style world order were largely aspirational: scholars and officials told us that the PRC “should” have its own global theory, or that Chinese-style models and norms were an “inevitable” part of China’s rise. Most of the arguments were negative, rather than positive: China’s world order will be better, they tell us, simply because it is different from “U.S. hegemony.” In highly moralized arguments, Chinese authors define the West in terms of “selfish individualism” as a way to promote China as “tolerant” due to its culture that is guided by “the principles of harmony, peace, and cooperation.”

Yan concludes that China’s rise will benefit the world simply because it is not “American.”

. In 2030 China Hu Angang concludes that China will create a Sinocentric world order to establish the World of Great Harmony, which is not only “China’s dream,” but is also the “world’s dream”

While America is the world’s “first new nation,” Chinese exceptionalism looks to the country’s 5000 years of continuous history to see China as the world’s “first ancient civilization.” Like in the U.S., Chinese expressions of exceptionalism assume that their country is exceptionally good. Chinese philosopher Kang Xiaoguang explains this in his seminal essay “Chinese exceptionalism”: “Chinese people themselves think that their race-nation is the most superior in the world. Even when they are in dire straits, they always feel that they should be the number one in the world” (www., 2004). Chinese exceptionalism thus characteristically thinks of the future in terms of China’s uniquely superior civilization uniting the globe in a World of Great Harmony that promises peace and prosperity.

SO what of it? A one world government seems nearly inevitable, and it's structure must come from an ideological clash between the Chinese and American model. Common thought on ATS has the Western NWO being a severely negative movement. Would a Chinese version be better, a utopian world of "great harmony," as the Chinese envision? Or would freedoms be oppressed even further than under a Western gov? Could Caucasians be seen as inferior if Beijing rules the world and face discrimination?

The article is worth reading, as is the entire issue.
edit on 24-8-2012 by PatrickGarrow17 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 12:33 PM
reply to post by PatrickGarrow17

From a Utopian idealistic view, a one world government would adopt from all cultures represented globally.

Extreme views and beliefs from any sector whether leftist, right, and even extreme middlism would need be moderated, where an assimilation of acceptance and non-prejudicial views from any perspective regarding any other is pervasive.
Example: Free-loving hemp-culture nudist hippies living, working, and cooperating along side ultra-conservative Muslims where both are tolerant and accepting of each others views and lifestyles even if they passionately disagree regarding such lifestyles.

Will such a Utopia ever happen?

Cultural bias and racial/religious prejudice is such that no real solution will present itself within current world culture paradigm and no solution of moderation, cooperation, sharing and harmony on a global scale is likely to present itself for at least a couple hundred years, if we don't manage to destroy ourselves in that time.

Cultural and racial bias will maintain an entrenched foothold globally, at least until we:
1. Make contact with an ET species/civilization
2. Develop to a post/trans/meta-human state where we essentially can readily 'design' ourselves at will or whim and at preference.
3. Experience global catastrophe on such scale that erases significant populations and cultures at levels that any remainder populations will necessitate attitudes suspending any prejudices or biases in exchange for cooperative pooling toward mutually advantageous survival.

Until then, we're stuck on a competitive scale where each cultural paradigm feels it's own way is the 'right' way.

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 12:33 PM

Originally posted by PatrickGarrow17
SO what of it? A one world government seems nearly inevitable, and it's structure must come from an ideological clash between the Chinese and American model. Common thought on ATS has the Western NWO being a severely negative movement. Would a Chinese version be better, a utopian world of "great harmony," as the Chinese envision? Or would freedoms be oppressed even further than under a Western gov? Could Caucasians be seen as inferior, if Beijing rules the world, and face discrimination?

When i look at the Chinese model as it currently stands, i do not see a "great harmony". They have their share of ethnic strife, political dissidents and a iron fist rule.

I firmly believe as you said, our freedoms would be greatly oppressed and fear being used as no more than slaves to serve our occidental masters. And thats for us caucasians. I truely fear what would befall the Japanese. The Chinese are still resentful of their barbaric treatment during World War 2, and i cannot say i blame them.
edit on 24-8-2012 by nightbringr because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 12:58 PM
Hell No! Have you people seen how real Chinese people live / behave now-a-days?

Here are a few samples all from the same place:

Here is the .gov telling people to buy stocks and support a company

Taiwanese Government Calls on Citizens to Buy & Support HTC

Here is how school would be for our LAOWAI kids:

Kindergarten Teacher Commands Class to Take Turns Hitting Girl

Young Schoolgirl Beaten, Thrown To Her Death By Teacher

Love in the LAOWAI culture (check the comment sections of these stories)

Foreign Men Boast About Sexual Conquests in China, Reactions

My older sister once met a black devil before, saying it was to learn English. That black devil was always calling. When my mother found out, my mother angrily called her a dirty whore, cheap, lousy prostitute. The two of them had a big fight and only in the end did my sister give give in, otherwise her being f**ked and made dirty would’ve happened sooner or later.

Too evil! We too must sleep with foreign women!

I read quite a bit of Chinese websites as I find their brainwashing quite interesting. Everything supposed to be a harmonious way of living, SAVING FACE, extreme racism etc.

They are now starting to make money so people with money are considered "new generation rich" and those live spending all of their money on brands and posting pics of their 'wealth' on weibo.

While the working class has to leave their children TIED UP while they go to work to be exploited?

Children On Leashes Tied To The Walls While Their Parents Work

F! That!

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 01:18 PM
reply to post by PatrickGarrow17

NWO or Type 1 Civilization? that is the question. I dunno. The West is mostly made up of almost every culture, creed and religion on the planet. China is largely Chinese. Mao killed over 30 Million of his own people not too long ago. What makes people think that they wouldn't hesitate to do something similar to non Chinese if it were to be in their best interest Globally?

I'm not saying they're a blood thirsty regime. I'm just saying that China is sure spewing a lot of rhetoric lately. Many seem to believe that most of it is for internal consumption. Which I have to question why? I've read many articles on the subject from various sources over the past few decades. It seems that China is more afraid of their own populous than from being invaded. The US/West have no plans nor desire to attack or invade China.

So, Why so much Rhetoric? It seems to keep their people in a state of FEAR [Sound familiar?] so as to maintain order over their 1.3/1.6 Billion people. I love the Chinese culture and heritage but too many times I've read people who blindly want to believe that the present day Chinese Government is of the same mindset of those wise and ancient Chinese of old. The fact remains that the Chinese government is only 63+ years young.

I'd ask everybody to remember and ask yourselves how many times in the past 230 years has their Government has either changed hands or been in massive turmoil? Also, This is the Government that has installed the Great internet Firewall. In addition, Any foreign Company that sets up shop in China has to partner with the Government. The Government gets 51% controlling interest. A little while back Apple was racked over the coals because of those Suicides we read about. I didn't read one thing or outcry against or about the 51% controlling partners part in it.

To a certain extent [More so than in the West] their people are nothing more than a commodity to be exploited for China's bottom line [Sound familiar?]

I'd think about this long and hard.....
edit on 24-8-2012 by SLAYER69 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 01:24 PM
reply to post by PatrickGarrow17

Good thread for thought!

Slayer69 pretty much sums up my thoughts. In order to have a NWO, you would have to have all involved, otherwise you would have eternal strife the world over.

We already have that now?

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 03:12 PM
Not sure if a worldwide gov with equal representation is plausible...

West would have it be capitalist economy and democratic government.

China would have a one party command system.

Islamic states would have sharia law.

Not much room for compromise between these three ideologies.

A scenario I've considered is that the American-Chinese positioning battle will result in the rise of more super states in the next few decades. It would be a logical progression for people trying to compete with the two empires. Europe increases unity and elects president, the Islamic states unite under one gov, followed by similar movements in Latin America and Africa. India is already there. Within fifty years humanity could easily be divided between 5-10 distinct federal governments.

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 03:24 PM

Originally posted by PatrickGarrow17
Not sure if a worldwide gov with equal representation is plausible...

West would have it be capitalist economy and democratic government.

China would have a one party command system.

Islamic states would have sharia law.

Not much room for compromise between these three ideologies.

Exactly. These ideologies will never see eye to eye. Therefore, a one world government will never come about from any other means but force.

Not exactly a recipe for global peace and harmony.
edit on 24-8-2012 by nightbringr because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 03:58 PM
reply to post by nightbringr

Exactly. These ideologies will never see eye to eye. Therefore, a one world government will never come about from any other means but force.

Was just mulling this over and two scenarios occurred to me.

I really don't think implementing a NWO by force in the traditional sense would serve anyones interests. Meaning military coercion. I tend to think these plans are just as much about people who think they have the best interests of humanity in mind as they are about upper class domination.

So in that line of thinking, they'd try and make the transition as minimally destructive as possible. Here is a way it could be accomplished on each side...

Chinese could exploit the Western debt/financial vulnerabilities. Any serious recession in Chinese production would result in price increases and major stock market uncertainty essentially putting a stranglehold on western economies. China could then revamp and swoop in to be seen popularly as saving the people after banks are in ruin, allowing them to claim structural superiority and possibly creating willing subjects in the west.

On the other hand, the West could exploit technological superiority. We've maintained the highest standard in electronics and computer programming. By attacking China's grid, we could create a similar situation where the West saves the Chinese people from disaster and claiming government superiority.

Or, nukes get dropped.

But I think it would be more sensible to exploit less drastic opportunities before it gets to that. Because who knows what would happen after the initial bombing.

Then again, the nonsensical actions of world governments never cease to amaze.

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 04:02 PM

Originally posted by PatrickGarrow17
Chinese could exploit the Western debt/financial vulnerabilities. Any serious recession in Chinese production would result in price increases and major stock market uncertainty essentially putting a stranglehold on western economies. China could then revamp and swoop in to be seen popularly as saving the people after banks are in ruin, allowing them to claim structural superiority and possibly creating willing subjects in the west.


All the internationals pack up and simply move to India and elsewhere. Avoiding any such strangle hold. Just like they've done elsewhere

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 04:13 PM
China won't be any different then any other major world power. They will do things that benefit themselves, first and foremost. Anyone who thinks otherwise is foolish.

Barring any major wars, the world will go from a U.S. Dominated place to a place where the U.S., China, Europe and Russia vie for control of things. I See the rise of regional powers (Brazil, India, South Africa) as we move forward. The days the U.S. being the sole superpower are waning (still decades off), but I don't see any nation taking our place as the undisputed Superpower of the world. The world will have many equally balanced countries, which might make for more conflicts between them.

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 04:16 PM
reply to post by SLAYER69

The purpose of a Chinese facilitated crash of the Western financial complex would be to convince the public at large that their governments are inept and being under PRC would be of now Western citizens are generally willing participants in the current capitalist/corporatist economy. If we hit a major depression and China provided funds for job creation with the condition of communist party takeover, people wouldn't oppose if they were starving.

Most citizens would not have the means to move. China would assume government on a popular basis, I'm not suggesting the bankers would hand the system over.

All hypothetical, of course. And not likely.

I should probably make it clear that I do not favor a Chinese run world government.

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 04:20 PM
reply to post by pavil

I don't think it's fair to say all world powers are the same. Yes, they are self serving, but their methods of self serving vary greatly.

China is not that similar to America in the way it serves it's interests and general societal values.

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 04:21 PM

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 04:30 PM
reply to post by SLAYER69

Was just reading that thread in the last hour. China survived 08/09 much better than the West though, maintaining high growth rates.

Here's an article from NY Times published yesterday

After three decades of torrid growth, China is encountering an unfamiliar problem with its newly struggling economy: a huge buildup of unsold goods that is cluttering shop floors, clogging car dealerships and filling factory warehouses.

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 04:43 PM
reply to post by PatrickGarrow17

Well the US/West were and still are struggling. China has massively went into debt as well. The deal there is that they don't report theirs. Now if it gets really bad can they eat all those low priced/quality products littering their shops and factories?

How long before those Chinese workers who want a better life will start to see the bosses [Not just Apple] as the ones holding them back?

edit on 24-8-2012 by SLAYER69 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 04:52 PM
reply to post by PatrickGarrow17

China has quite possibly played the biggest "bubble" or shell game of all time with it's manipulation of the Yuan for decades now. Most of China's growth has been greatly assisted by it's manipulation of it's currency. Add on top of that the head in the sand approach that China takes with it's economy, hiding major defects in it with shoddy reporting and accounting. China has been over producing/building for years now trying to keep the facade up. When these two problems come home to roost (which it's started with Chinese companies pulling out of foreign stock markets due to shoddy/bogus accounting), which it will eventually it will take down a big Chunk of the World's economy with it. I don't blame China solely for it's manipulation of it's currency, it had willing accomplices with the the West's Governments and Multi-Nationals.

I'm sorry, I don't see the Chinese as any better or an improvement over the status quo. They are just as corrupt and nationalistic as any other major power. If they are so harmonious and great, then why are they supporting a failing dictator in Assad, who is murdering his own civilians. Great way to start out the Chinese Century there....supporting a Dictator as he tries to literally kill his way into keeping power.
edit on 24-8-2012 by pavil because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 05:01 PM
Look at China now. Look at its exemplary record on human rights. Look at its clean government who act with integrity. What an amazing place this planet would be if the Chinese ideals were spread far and wide.

The west is already headed in the same direction as China. They are getting their wish. The whole world will be run by corrupt, evil dictators who will strip us of all our remaining rights, and anyone who has a problem with it will be eliminated.

So yes, we may not be ruled currently by China, but their ideals are spreading, and as they most likely own shares in our governments, its only a matter of time before they will have majority control.

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 05:09 PM
reply to post by pavil

China's growth rates may be inflated, but fact is they are by far the most productive nation from a consumer goods manufacturing standpoint.

Is their economic output any more a fallacy than the ever rising American financial services sector, which makes millionaires out of thin air? Relying more and more on computers for mass data crunching and little real work being done at all.

posted on May, 3 2013 @ 02:54 AM

Originally posted by greenovni
Hell No! Have you people seen how real Chinese people live / behave now-a-days?

Have you seen the way other countries live around the world these days???

I think a lot of these are perhaps isolated incidents - it is not commonplace to beat kids and throw them out of school windows. I agree that they are a much stricter country, health and safety rules haven't really been introduced on a country wide level and there is a lot of corruption. Doesn't make it all to different from every other country around the world!

So, in the same vein, have you seen how American citizens behave - they eat animals eat their children -

Taiwan promoting HTC ... well, Taiwan is not China. China claim Taiwan as theirs as they don't recognise the breakaway government set up by Chiang Kai-Shek in the previous century. I would say the Taiwanese are fiercely proud of their independence from China (independence for now!) But this reminds me of the Apple and Samsung court cases. The US courts upheld the ridiculous patent claims, the same claims which were pretty much not upheld elsewhere in the world - is that not working in the same vein as Taiwan?? Or perhaps it is even worse as it is using a corrupt court system rather than government advice to support homegrown produce. British government encourages using your local high street and promoting a local economy - is that super bad as well??!

One thing is clear though, China will rule the end of this century and probably the next. They have the most money and the most people. In fact they have more US dollars that the US, not to mention the other currencies they have. It is inevitable that they are entering their golden age. Yes they still have a lot of problems but like any other country they will develop through this as they mature and develop until they are as corrupt, dishonest and war-mongering as the rest of us Western powers!

edit on 3-5-2013 by SunWuKong because: Fixing a typo!

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