posted on Aug, 22 2012 @ 10:57 PM
ith so many electronic devices now been wifi/ bluetooth enabled could it be that consumers are being sold electronic items or even non electronic
items that are listening in and seeing inside houses/businesses/ ect ect?
The technology is certainly there right now, imagine a romantic night in for a middle aged couple, they put on the DVD "Suzie does licks on the
axe" unknown to them they are the next stars in the porn industry, only they will never know, because they are only sold or streamed into a far off
Their voices are dubbed later if they say anything that betrays them as unsuspecting non porn stars?
Just one example of the passive until activated internet devices inserted into many consumer products?
The possibilities are endless, here are a few examples.
Medical research , via camers chips in the inside neck of bottles of beer, the images could be downloaded in order to examine the digestive tracts of
This list could go on forever , perhaps ATS members could contribute, ?
Remember smile your on the net.