posted on Aug, 22 2012 @ 01:44 PM
Hey guys, I've tried rationalizing this and I don't really think that the shots are to blame, but my mom does.
My little brother (4 years old) got his second round of shots a few months ago. These are the standard going to school shots you're supposed to get
to attend public school. Ever since then he's been acting very badly.
He's always been a strong willed kid, and hard headed as hell, but he's been different. He's been mean to his mom and to his brothers (the ones
that live at the house, I don't and he's been mostly fine with me, with few attitude problems). He has become completely belligerent and
unmanageable at times. He went so far as to start kicking and biting mom a week or two ago.
I want to be clear, he isn't always that bad. He's still a normal kid, it's just that his bad attitudes have gotten worse. His mood hasn't really
been changed, he's still pretty much happy go lucky unless he doesn't get his way. And even then, he'd rather ignore what you said and do it anyway
than start being a demon.
She's tried a lot of things, from time out to spanking to taking his toys away, etc. Nothing seems to work. Getting his dad to discipline works for a
time, but not too long.
It's, obviously, worst around bedtime.
They just moved into a different house, not too long after the shots. The acting out began while they were still in the other house, a couple days
after the shots. My mom correlates the shots with the attitude, as if they changed his hormones or something. I suppose it's possible, just unlikely.
I kind of think it has to do with the move and then his going to pre-k.
I know we have a lot of people here who are completely against any vaccinations at all, that's not what I'm really looking for. I'm just curious if
anybody has had similar experiences or heard of any.
IMO, he's just being a normal kid with some attitude problems.