reply to post by bsalert
Hi there, an interesting account and similar to something I saw some time ago, also in S.Wales.
Sunday 15th April, This is what I wrote in my small diary on that evening.
"18 past 10 p.m. Red & White flashing plus 2 other solid white lights. "
Looking back I remember seeing the red and white lights first, and assumed it was an aircraft flying towards me, well to my left, although thinking
about it should I have not seen a green light?
Anyway, in front and to one side there were 2 separate solid white lights, which were either further away or travelling slower, but on a very similar
course, which ended up behind the red and white lights. They then changed course and I assume dropped down behind some hills.
The whole incident lasted maybe 2 or 3 minutes. Time enough for me to try viewing through a pair of low power binoculars, which seemed to confirm a
plane, but only showed the lights as lights.
No photos and since then I have never seen a plane in the sky at that time, although there have not been many clear nights. Even the 15th had some
clouds and I think the red/white lights went behind some.
At the time I was a bit puzzled, enough to think about it and write in my diary, but not enough to think more of it. The planes course was one that is
used by other planes and I suspect I just thought it was a shadowing exercise by a couple of helicopters.
I do not think the plane was flying very high, not the normal height 20,000 feet sort. But Cardiff airport is not that far away, so a plane taking off
sort of height, or do turbo props fly lower than jets? I think I must have heard an engine type noise, and the slowness of its passage seemed to
indicate a turbo prop rather than a jet engine.
Sorry to give so much info about what must have been a plane and so little of the 2 white lights, they looked to be a similar size to the planes
lights, and where moving in a loose formation, changing direction abruptly, but only as a helicopter can change direction.
No idea if this has any connection, except for the mention of 2, as I did not see any orange lights and the location, although I am to the east