posted on Aug, 20 2012 @ 04:53 PM
I can see a shot or two at 165 yards hitting, but all five? I've shot .45 and hit targets every once and a while at 100 yards. So it is possible.
and I have no doubt a expert competition shooter could do it too. Guess this guy goes to the range a lot.
I am leaning towards he actually pulled it off, just because I want to believe. It's not too unusual for people to have that sort of skill. So it's
I say he did it. But I also bet he reloaded and shot a few rounds at the guy that missed and were used to "zero" in on the guy.
The cops and the shooter may have omitted the extra shots fired part to put reactive people at ease regarding random bullets flying everywhere that
will cause the next horrible tragedy. As if the cops said lets make this story a story about how guns do save lives and not focus on what could have
happened if the 357 accidently tagged someone in the house behind the bad guy.
edit on 20-8-2012 by BASSPLYR because: (no reason