posted on Aug, 19 2012 @ 07:43 PM
The Belarus leader is widely referred to as the last dictator in Europe.
The BBC report reveals that not only were there damning questions about the evidence that was available but diregarded.but that the head of Interpol
was also very quick to congratulate the Belarus KGB on their detection and apprehension of so called perpetrators 4 months BEFORE the trial.
In the 30 minute documentary the BBC looks at evidence presented by the prosecution.
The BEEB falls short of actually stating that the KGB was responsible,in the face of mass protests at Lukashenko continuing power.
Decide for yourself.
Please note there is only 7 days from now to watch it on the BBC i PLAYER.
The 2 accused after being found guilty were dealt with by way of a bullet to the back of the head.
How many countries even outside Europe in 2012 would dish out such a sentence?
Having seen this report,and being very much informed of the Lukashenko regime and his lust to stay in power at any cost at all,I am pretty sure that
the BBC findings tell the story.
Insofar as the Interpol guy goes,I think the statement made by them following the doc,is hardly credible.
What is puzzling is the hidden agenda.
here is the link for the prog: