posted on Aug, 19 2012 @ 05:01 PM
Well, uh.. heya. Well, not sure exactly what to tell people about myself. Too little information and I become generic, too much information and I risk
exposing myself (ewww... not that type of exposure) to government agencies that are trying to farm my personal data. Ok, well, maybe that's a bit
paranoid lol.
I'm involved in paranormal and UFO fields although I haven't written any books, don't have a TV or radio show, and as far as I know, haven't had
any unusual craft landing in my back yard. I do upset people when I show how much of evidence presented in the UFO and paranormal fields can have a
more "normal" explanation. That is not to say that such evidence isn't proof of something outside the ordinary, only that there are other plausible
explanations. I do work as an intern with The Global Radio Alliance (GRA) which has recently begun streaming the ATS show and so I decided to check
out the site and see what all the fuss is about. I have been told I have a unique way of looking at things and have a tendency to try and present a
perspective that others may not have considered. Well uh.. I can't really think of much else to say right now. I do hang out in the GRA chat room so
feel free to stop by and say hello, or ask me questions.