posted on Aug, 20 2012 @ 02:41 PM
reply to post by GareyGaia
Its not about the money...Its about someone on line who takes it, puts it out there saying THEY wrote it...not you..and that YOU didnt. And right can take it and register it as theirs...because you didnt. And they can SUE you for you for claiming it was yours 1st.
Yeah, do it not for the money...of course we all dont either...but certainly you wouldnt want me to register right now...put it up on a
zillion sites saying "Its MINE and the OP on ATS is a liar and Ill do anything legally to you if you ever menton it again...BECAUSE its mine? Of
course you wouldnt.
Im trying to advance some help here so you can protect it. Otherwise...someone with less scruples as me...will do what you didnt. Claim its theirs
because THEY registered it first...all because you put the whole thing up because you wanted everyone to hear..."My first musical composition..."
Be smart. NEVER put out the whole ANYTHING. NEVER...only in pieces...until you protect that which is yours. And its only a few bucks for the piece of
All my songs and lyrics and the few books Ive authored are my babies...pieces of my heart put to page and music. Dont let your heart get taken from
Only advice from one who knows...take it or not. It all depends how much that piece of music means to you..and the guys out there you gave it too
also...for free.