posted on Aug, 17 2012 @ 11:40 PM
I keep seeing threads concerning peoples fear of a .gov takeover, or them overstepping their lawful bounds, or upset they are breaking the law, or
upset they don't listen.
I am not one to fear that which I control.
For instance, a dog could bite you at any moment, or pee on the floor, or eat out of your plate whn your not looking etc
I don't have this problem as I have long known the answer to solve all of these situations. A dog does not respond to human stimuli, they act as a
dog will act, it is their nature. Dogs don't do uncertainty in leadership, they will be led or they will lead. If the owner isn't the alpha, the dog
will be, as this is the nature of their behavior, or more directly put their social structure.
When training a dog, the mst important rule is that YOU are the one in charge, and as such, it is from time to time necessary to demonstrate your
domineance. This is the way dogs think and and as such they understand things in a different way then we do. They act the way dogs act, and over the
years man has learned to use their natural "coulture" to manipulate them to our ends.
In nature dogs will never take the alphas food, as they know the dominate ( I am male so for the sake of this discusion I will use the term dominate
male) male will not abide it. They understand that the dominate male will provide sustinance to the pack, either directly bringing back game or
leading a hunt. As long as they are an asset to the pack they will always receive their share, but only after the alpha has had his share. In this way
they maintain a working cohesive society that functions to serve the benefit of all. From time to time a dominant male will fall off his game, at
which point it becomes obvious that new leadership is required, and a potential new alpha will try to assume control, so as to maintain a strong pack
with a strong leader, ensuring the survival of all in the pack.
We as Americans have come to a point where our pack has been unsure as to who the alpha in charge is. We have let our underlings become to arrogant,
too brazen in their disrespect. They now assume they are in charge, because we did not check them appropriately when tbey over stepped, so they think
they are in charge, I believe it is time to demonstrate exactly who it is that is in charge of this country. There can only be one party in command,
as in a power vacuum someone will step in to fill the void.
I believe we must make a unmistakeable example of those who have forgotten their place in this country. We are not subservient to the government,
they are subservient to us! The only way they will learn this lesson is harshly as any half measure will only reinforce their belief they are in
charge. We need to as a country, demand NOW that they come into line with our wishes or suffer the wrath of the alpha.
It is easy enough to accomplish, all we need to do is get most of us to follow an easy plan.
Everyone write your reps, than write the POTUS, the mayorn the police chief et al.
Demanding they immediately comply with our demands( notice I said demands not requests? Requests are for those above you, demands are for
subordinates)that they will either come back into the fold, or they will lose it all, we will march, we will protest, we will not back down. If we
show weakness they will not respect our demands, they will take them as requests, which is not the American way. We tell our government what they will
do, not the other way around.
Otherwise, things will get worse everyday, until you look back and wander what happened, hell I already do wander what happened, things were way
different just 20 years ago, today, our POTUS thibks he can dictate to us, he must be made to realize the error of his thinking, or it will only
worsen by the day.
In closing, this is OUR country not "their" country. Either start acting the part of alpha, or stop complaining about the rules the alpha dictates
to you.