posted on Oct, 4 2012 @ 01:23 AM
Moby Dick ~ I first tried reading this when I was about 14. Failed to get very far. Then tried again, every couple of years until I got to just before
my 38th birthday. I was in a situation where Moby Dick was the only book there was to read. So I read it. And I was so glad I did.
It's the first American book I ever read that I considered to be "proper literature" (That sounds a bit pretentious, but I'm British, so . . . .)
Anyway I've re-read it many times since then, and each time, there's some new angle to it, that I'm seeing for the first time. Last time it was
the fact that if you start at Chapter one, then skip two, read three, skip four, and carry on, just reading every odd numbered chapter, you'll find
there's two different books here.
One, a pacy, deep, plot driven novel, exploring the inner demons that drive men to extremes, and the concessions that other, lesser mortals are
prepared to grant Men such as Ahab. And how far a man will follow another man, through love, knowing that they are both being led to their doom by a
madman who is himself, in love with death.
The other book, (Even Chapters) is almost a handbook of Whaling, the economics behind it, how to make a raincoat from the foreskin of a Sperm Whale,
and pretty much a day to day account of a working Nantucket Spermacetti Crew. "National Geographic" without pictures of nude Pygmies. But yeah,
that's one great book.