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posted on Aug, 17 2012 @ 06:13 PM
Hello Fellow Like-minded People

As i've been lurking for well over a year, posting occasionally, I figured it was about time to create an introduction post.

I initially joined this forum back in February 2011 shortly after the many stories of unexplained animal deaths occurred. I can't remember what post exactly, regarding this event, brought me here but after reading I was immediately hooked.

A little about myself: I'm a self-made business owner working in IT (specifically software development). I come from a fairly poor background/family however I feel this has been the biggest benefit to me in life as, even though I now live comfortably, I have a true appreciation for what it means to be in poverty. To this end, I always ensure that I give back to society whenever I can. I don't understand people who live in obscene luxury whilst there are people who don't know where their next meal will come from... but that's just me I suppose

I have a naturally inquisitive mind and have always been taught to question everything, never take anything at face value. Find things out for myself and learn from my mistakes. Some may brand me a skeptic due to my questioning nature but I like to consider myself extremely open-minded. I will entertain even the most wildest of ideas if I can find any evidence to support it. After all, the universe is a very strange place.

I sometimes ramble on as well, if you can tell, so i'll end it here for now. I look forward to continuing discovering new things with you all.

edit on 17-8-2012 by MattC because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 17 2012 @ 06:48 PM
Hello good to have you here buddy.

Love the avatar

Don't be shy now and lets help make this world a better place.

posted on Aug, 17 2012 @ 07:07 PM
reply to post by MattC

Welcome to ATS...hope you enjoy it here....look forward to meeting you in the forums....


posted on Aug, 17 2012 @ 07:18 PM
reply to post by MattC

Hey MattC, i'm sort of a newcomer too.. Ive been reading up on this site for about 2yrs now but havnt posted much stuff until recently. Very interesting site, and i truely believe we are closing in on the truth about everything. May i ask, what is your main conspiracy theory? I am very intersted in the whole 'space and alien' theories..
Well so long my fellow brit


posted on Aug, 17 2012 @ 07:21 PM
hey Matt, hello and welcome. have a good one.

posted on Aug, 18 2012 @ 02:29 AM

Originally posted by baileymarch2010
reply to post by MattC

Hey MattC, i'm sort of a newcomer too.. Ive been reading up on this site for about 2yrs now but havnt posted much stuff until recently. Very interesting site, and i truely believe we are closing in on the truth about everything. May i ask, what is your main conspiracy theory? I am very intersted in the whole 'space and alien' theories..
Well so long my fellow brit


Many thanks to everyone for the warm welcome. Part of the reason that makes this such a great site

There are so many conspiracy theories that it's hard to narrow myself down to just one, or even a few, however I am very interested in our past and origin. Not so much from a religious perspective, but more from an evolutionary standpoint. Humans have existed for approximately/arguably 200,000 years yet only in the last 5,000 years have we gone from grassroots civilisation to space exploration. The dramatic jump in advancement piques my curiosity however I may cover more in a seperate topic in the near future and show what I have discovered so far. Not to mention the fact that there are huge gaps in our current knowledge of the past. There is also a slim possibility that we may not even be the first civilisation to advance on this planet, however this is just an open-minded feeling and not something I can provide actual evidence for.

I also closely follow the exploits of the so-called elite and powerful. In my younger days I was very much an activist, protesting against percieved corruption. Whilst I may have mellowed as i've grown older, my hopes for a better world haven't diminshed. I'm not sure it's much of a conspiracy anymore as it has become pretty clear that it is the few who control and dominate the many whether through financial manipulation or totalitarian idealisms.

As for space and life in the universe I am intrigued at the many unexplained phenomena that have occurred. For me, and from a sheer statistical point of view, there is no question that life must exist in some form or other in the vast universe, the question is if they have actually made contact. The jury, for me, is still out on that one.

There are many other areas which I could cover in topics of their own, and I don't want to break the T&Cs of the introduction forum in my first official post, so I will simply say: Stay tuned for more

posted on Aug, 18 2012 @ 04:01 AM
(Johnny rolls in the Tea and Crumpets Cart, Cues the music to be played for the 25 Pence Tour)

Welcome MattC


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