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The Mothmen?

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posted on Apr, 26 2003 @ 09:56 PM
I feel that this could probably have been put on both Cryptozoology board and the paranormal...But I was wondering if anybody knows anything about the Mothmen that supposedly have come about and used their other-dimensinal powers to predict things, such as a bridge that mysteriously collapsed. Does anybody have any opinions, or info on these mysterious beings, I would really like to see what any of you know..

posted on Apr, 26 2003 @ 09:58 PM
I want to know how much of the movie The Mothman Prophecies was actually true. I heard some of it was true but a lot of it was made up for the purpose of making the movie interesting.

posted on Apr, 26 2003 @ 10:59 PM
I havent done a lot of research on the subject, but I understand that there was at least some documentation of something wierd going on prior to the bridge collapse, and that the scene where the phone call was recorded and analyzed was apparently correct.

posted on Apr, 27 2003 @ 05:32 AM

John A Keel was an investigator who wrote the mothman prophecies along with a few other great ufology books, I read a lot of his stuff when I was a kid, he was one of the only people in the 70's who refused to believe that the origins of ufos was extraterrestrial.

Richard Gere's charactor in the movie was based on Keel

[Edited on 27-4-2003 by moonclamp]

posted on Apr, 27 2003 @ 10:29 AM
Wow, so he's saying aliens were Ultra-Terrestrials? (Lifeforms from another plane of existance), or did he believe they were just creatures living on earth at the time. It's creepy cause on a Art Bell radio clip (Coast to Coast with Art Bell.) They had a guest on which claimed to have been discharged from Area 51 for medical reasons, and that these aliens were from a precursor to the space program (Monteuk or Philadelphia experiment?) And that they wanted to wipe out all major areas of civilization in order to control the remaining populous more easily. Kindof creepy if he's talking about these Mothmen.

posted on Apr, 28 2003 @ 09:32 AM
I've read a lot of John Keel's work as well. the movie was pretty good but left out much of the dot-connecting Keel does in the book. Also, "Our Haunted Planet" is a work by Keel I highly recommend. Keel also outlines happenings nationwide and world wide that happen on the same time line with the Mothman sightings in Pt. Pleasant and the apparent link to all of them. This guy is a researcher's researcher no questions about it. Disagree or agree with him but you have to admit, he does his homework.

posted on Apr, 28 2003 @ 09:37 AM

Originally posted by WolfofWar
Wow, so he's saying aliens were Ultra-Terrestrials? (Lifeforms from another plane of existance), or did he believe they were just creatures living on earth at the time. It's creepy cause on a Art Bell radio clip (Coast to Coast with Art Bell.) They had a guest on which claimed to have been discharged from Area 51 for medical reasons, and that these aliens were from a precursor to the space program (Monteuk or Philadelphia experiment?) And that they wanted to wipe out all major areas of civilization in order to control the remaining populous more easily. Kindof creepy if he's talking about these Mothmen.

If I read him right, it was his opinion based on his research that these "ultra-terrestrials" weren't aliens in the sense we think they are. they were deminsional creatures that used different forms to travel in between theirs and ours. He sights the different paranormal crazes through the centuries such as Vampires, Werewolves, Zombies, and UFO as mainly scare tactics used by the deminsional beings to insight fear which seems to be their main purpose. Keel even began to veiw them as pranksters,(albeit on a serious level) which tried to keep him guessing and drive him nuts. I'll bet that guy really hates telephones.

posted on Apr, 28 2003 @ 10:17 AM
keel thought that they were beings who have been and always will be on and around the earth, which take on various forms throughout time. Supposedly the Dulce papers talk about "alien half bat/half human" beings who are the result of genetic experiments and are held in cages on I think level 6 or 7 underground, and at one point a few escaped to the surface level.

posted on Apr, 29 2003 @ 11:54 AM
and besides the movie...I've only heard of the Mothman in UFO folklore, as a creature sighted near the road, then flees. There were some sightings that seemed to occur when larger scale disasters struck the area, but never a direct link... It's one of the least documented alien "types" in folklore...

posted on Apr, 30 2003 @ 07:43 AM
I have a link if anyone is still interested.

posted on Jun, 14 2003 @ 11:55 AM
theres a lot of sites about the mothman. some of the movie was said to be true. but i dont really believe the movie. iv read different sites about it and i do believe in it but not to what the movie portrays it as. its an interseting story tho.

posted on Nov, 12 2006 @ 06:33 PM
I heard that some people saw mothman flying around in New York on September 10, 2001. I also heard that a little girl whose family was supposed to cross the Silver Bridge the day it collapsed woke up her parents the night before and told them she saw a big flying man with red eyes watching her from outside her window. The next day when they were leaving the girls father got a terrible headache. They decided to cancel they're trip so her dad could lay down. By the time they would've been on the bridge the dad started to feel better. he turned on the radio and listened to the bridge collapse.

posted on Nov, 25 2006 @ 03:43 PM
I have an inner theory that "modern" terran kind, are just a conclusion in an increasing experiment. if so, whats the product after us?

posted on Nov, 25 2006 @ 08:12 PM
My whole take on the Mothman was that it was a mutated bird. That's why it was seen around the Power Plant so much. Also there's alot of forrest, etc. around the Plant.

posted on Dec, 14 2006 @ 08:24 AM
I have also heard of the "Bat - boy," which was a hottie fave of the "Weekly World News."

As for the Mothman it has alot of heat and quite good information, what other moth-god's does there appear on the internet.

According to the Roman's the Moth symbolises the Season's, and may also symbolise Doom for those that circle the Light only to get burnt down, like Icarus's Wing Tip's. But it can also find the light and flee from Danger if need be.

It is like a wierdo version of the Metamorphosis of the Buttefly and Cocoon in Transformation.


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