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NO JOKE Canada is becoming a POLICE STATE...

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posted on Aug, 16 2012 @ 05:45 PM
Do you live in Calgary by chance?

posted on Aug, 20 2012 @ 12:43 AM
reply to post by r2d246

Thanks for the report. It's scary, Orwellian and becoming more and more global. The farther along they get with it, the harder it will be to turn it back.

posted on Aug, 20 2012 @ 11:45 AM

Originally posted by jude11

4) Strange new cameras at intersections that are permanent

Same as above.

5) Strange new mini cameras on intersections that's a new thing they're putting everywhere.

Same as above

Not to nitpick, but there are two new sets of cameras being installed in my area.

Type A) Green light cameras: Upgraded version of red light cameras. They cover photo radar and red light infractions.

Type B) Emergency cameras: Custom units that scan emergency vehicles as they approach intersections. Tied into emergency response system as well as lights. Turns on green (or turn arrows) to expedite emergency vehicle response times.

Type B is also being tested for use with streamlining traffic flow. Can scan and analyse traffic density to modify light patterns and improve flow.

I'm not really seeing a downside to either of these? Camera A only works if you are breaking the law and camera B means better emergency response and possibly public transportation times.

posted on Aug, 20 2012 @ 10:10 PM

Not to nitpick, but there are two new sets of cameras being installed in my area.

Type A) Green light cameras: Upgraded version of red light cameras. They cover photo radar and red light infractions.

Type B) Emergency cameras: Custom units that scan emergency vehicles as they approach intersections. Tied into emergency response system as well as lights. Turns on green (or turn arrows) to expedite emergency vehicle response times.

Type B is also being tested for use with streamlining traffic flow. Can scan and analyse traffic density to modify light patterns and improve flow.

I'm not really seeing a downside to either of these? Camera A only works if you are breaking the law and camera B means better emergency response and possibly public transportation times.

With all forms of crime and punishment, cameras do not tell the whole story. They do not capture extenuating circumstances or the situation leading up to or after the infraction. That’s what eye witnesses are for and should not be the foundation to issue an infraction but just a tool in the global case of the prosecution.
Be careful what you are prepared to accept as permissible.
edit on 20-8-2012 by brice because: spacing

posted on Aug, 20 2012 @ 10:42 PM
reply to post by r2d246

What part of this bothers you... seriously.. what are you doing that this bothers you so much? I feel safer and safer to be honest. The retards on the roads are slowing down, less public shows of aggression at family events. I interact with probably 10-15 police in the emenergency department a week. They're not out to get us!!! These things sound pretty common place in our society. Your stretching it into fear mongering! And as per cell phones, I see them everywhere in Edmonton, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Quebec, even in Shot Gun Alberta. Where the heck are you?
edit on 20-8-2012 by PsychNurse because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 27 2012 @ 09:04 AM
reply to post by MidnightTide

Great idea, CSA has a vz58 in .223 which is NR I believe. The refurbished CZ 858's are pretty sturdy but the semi trigger mechanism they install to civilianize them can have issues.

Can't go wrong with an SKS, or two, or three

posted on Aug, 27 2012 @ 09:08 AM
reply to post by r2d246

Where do you live?

posted on Aug, 27 2012 @ 09:17 AM
Going by the population you mentioned, i say, Ottawa, Edmonton or Calgary.

I live in Toronto, where the population is 5x as yours, The largest city in Canada, thus higher crime rate etc.

Those items you mentioned are normal, that DOES NOT mean its a police state, half of the thing you mentioned is for civilian/pedestrian protection. Lower DUI, Extra Signals and Cameras(esp with increasing bicycle lanes)..

Canadian Police, even Toronto police are generally good cops. i have yet to meet one(hopefully i don't)...

There was lady cop that turned on the signal behind me, so i tried to pull over, she came to my right(still in car, moving slow) and says
"do you know why pulled you over? you are lucky your car is White"
i'm like "hmm"
she says "turn on you head lights, its 10pm"
i'm like "oh #... thanks.."

posted on Aug, 28 2012 @ 02:42 PM
reply to post by HIWATT

I rode Grayhound and they do search. They check my bags and use the wand to look for weapons, but no pat down. This was in San Francisco.

posted on Aug, 28 2012 @ 03:08 PM
reply to post by r2d246

Ive got police helicopters over my neighborhood almost every night, and i do find it kind of alarming because im in a relativly low crime area of edmonton

posted on Aug, 28 2012 @ 03:09 PM
I disagree with about everything said here, so I want to break this post apart

Originally posted by r2d246
This is something that's been really bothering me....

Living in a major city up here of about 1 million people. I grew up here. And now in recently years you wouldn't believe the amount of things I'm noticing.

It scares me to even post this. But I figure it's got to be said by someone. Like the amount of crazy things being implemented in and around the city is JUST NUTS.

So I'll cover a few of these items to give you a perspective of how free things use to be, as compared to how there going...

1) TSA at our airports and body scanners (within the last 2 years approx)
- I haven't been to an airport, so I might not have the best idea of scale, but are body scanners really a bad thing? It's ensuring your safety on the plane

2) Mini police stations the size of retail stores, in malls, strip malls, apartment buildings, like all over. Use to be just main ones in each side of the city.
- I haven't seen any of these

3) Red light cameras in many places
- You dislike cameras that capture people that run red lights?

4) Strange new cameras at intersections that are permanent
- red light camera's

5) Strange new mini cameras on intersections that's a new thing they're putting everywhere.
- red light cameras

6) To get into the local fair you now get a pat down by police. Same with some other major events
- This isn't anything entirely new. It's called 'security'. Whether it's done by security guard or cop, same thing is happening.

7) Police patrolling major streets that are popular hang out places
- Patrolling major streets that are more likely to have mischeivous drunks, or punks. Better get the cops away from those area's

8) All kinds of strange types of police cars. There marked as follows: RCMP, Police black n white, Police just white, detectives in unmarked cruisers, detectives in unmarked trucks and SUV's, police motor cycles
- Different police cars is an issue? We have had unmarked cars, and different styles for as long as I can remember. Nothing new, and nothing wrong with that.

9) Photo radar in unmarked cars and trucks and mini vans everywhere and anywhere!
- Captures places of people that are speeding. Where's the issue?

10) Tons and tons of new laws like if you're going too much over the speed limit they can take your car. etc etc etc.
- Whats wrong with new laws? Every country bring in new laws. Better get rid of the speeding law though, because I certainly want people going 50 over, and knowing they will only get a slap on the wrist

11) Police helicopters flying around
- Police cars can patrol, why not helicopters (This one I do see where you're coming from)

12) Check stops much more often and frequent
-Not sure what you mean

13) Lowered breathalyzer so if you even have one drink you could get a DUI
- Yeah! Lets keep drunk people on the road!

14) Baggage check and patdown to get on the greyhound bus
- Unfortunately thats what happens when a psycho hacks off someones head, then eats it...

15) Police much more frequently entering bars to check people's ID's
- Keeps alcohol out of the hands of minors. Whats the problem? (I disagree with this. I work in a very busy bar, and rarely see/hear about cops coming in.

16) Police riding bike around everywhere and at any kind of event
- Again, nothing new. It's cops being a deterrant, and being there for people who need them. Crime happens at events too.

17) Bi law people driving around in all kinds of different vehicles looking for any kind of violation to fine
- So it's wrong of the government to enforce their bi-laws?

18) Census checks where they come to your door annually to have you fill out a long document about who's living at the location (census my azz! it's the guestopo we all know this up here)
- Census' are nothing new. They have been happening for hundreds, maybe even 1-2 thousand years.

19) most pay phones have been taken out. So it forces you to get a cell phone. Another great tracking spy device assigned to you personally.
- why would companies like bell pay to have payphones around that few people will use? With how common cell phones are, they wouldn't make any money, yet still have to pay out for maintenance (people seem to love breaking the glass, and phones)

Times change, and laws change with them. I don't see it becoming a police state. Great thing about canada is that we have the ability to fight the gov't a lot better than Americans can.

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