Here's some more details on what happened. I had just gotten a new pair of night vision goggles and the sun had just gone down, so jokingly I opened
the back door and told my wife I was going to look for ufos. Ironically before I even turned on the goggles, I saw what I thought was a plane flying
to the South. When I saw it stop in midair I hollared for my wife to come see the ufo. She came out thinking I was joking then she saw it & got
really excited. We watched for about 30 seconds then it disappeared. I looked for it with my night vision goggles and couldn't see anything, but she
said she could see a faint blinking white light. She has contacts and can see a little better than I can, because I lost track of where it was.
About 5 minutes later the lights came back on, and it "appeared" to be across town, and was flying near the clouds, but not long until it turned it's
lights out again. I hoped to have time so I ran upstairs to grab the first camera I could find, which was an old one, wish it would have been my
newer nicer camera, but I ran back outside and it still hadn't appeared yet. We got to talking and then it came back on the third time, which is when
I turned the camera on. We were pretty excited while watching it, but after I got to thinking, if it just barely landed across the street behind a
tree, it couldn't have been as large as I thought it was, and I thought it was a lot farther away until it started to land.
There was never any sound, and usually I can hear people talking from that far away. On the 4th of July we could almost hear people's conversations
from across that field to the homes below.
And the reason why I didn't go chase after it is because recently I was listening to Coast to Coast, and I can't rememeber the name of the guest, but
he said he had once met Travis Walton and asked if he could do it all over again, what would he do differently. And he said that he wished he had
never ran down to chase after the ufo they saw. Might sound like a lame reason but that's what crossed my mind at the time, and I was already pretty
excited to go make a new youtube account & post what I had anyway.
I reported the sighting at I'm hoping once they update their website to include this month, that there might be at least one other
person who saw it. We heard a family outside shouting shortly after we turned off the camera. Couldn't tell what they were shouting about or if they
had been watching.
Whatever it was it seemed to be putting on a show. I honestly now think it was probably just a a toy ufo or toy helicopter, but I don't know how they
could fly it with the lights out for a while without loosing it. Also if the operator was at the same place it landed at, their vision would have
been blocked by the trees.
I remembered a story about some ufo sightings down in Provo, UT last year, but it turned out to be RC planes. I watching the video and it doesn't
look like what I saw. Here's the link to the story & the video:
It was fun to watch whatever it was. If we are able to see it again this time we'll go down & see if there's someone with a remote flying it
Oh yeah, and the video was actually taken in North Ogden. The location where it landed was around here:,+ut&ie=UTF-8&hq=&hnear=0x87530b772f986d23:0x422f31458384607a,1300+E+2600+N,+North+Ogden,+UT+8
I don't think it could have landed in that field to the left, but I could be wrong. I just think that would have been to far away for me to have been
able to see it through the trees for a moment. My home was just to the Northeast of there on Mountain Road.
edit on 18-8-2012 by donnquijote
because: Added details on location