The Japanese govt had caught the 'trespassers' on those islands, but thankfully and wisely, they had only been given a 'general standing order
drubbing down' and had allowed them to be returned to their homelands, almost immediately.
Pointless to incarcerate them for months, to await trial, while only hatred breds on all sides. It had been a courageous move on the Japanese govt,
whom may face a backlash by a minority but vocally loud japanese citizens.
The war of the 40s is long over. Our fellow human brothers and sisters in Japan had repaid several times over to humanity, with their example and work
ethics, as well as investments and innovative ingenuity worldwide and to humanity. Truly, enough is enough. Let bygones be bygones. They too had
suffered with millions dead during the war and learnt their lesson, as had we mankind all.
May those minority but vocally loud 'trespassers' wake up and realized that they had been used by those whom had greed for power and wealth,
manipulated to do what they had courageously, but foolishly did.
Only the Rule of Law can settle the claims of the island. The 'Deng Xiao Ping' principle over the issue - joint funding, exploration and Sharing of
the disputed islands is the answer, when international law is not enough.
Trade is the lifeblood of the world, so that we can progress and evolve in peace and prosperity. It is a truism of mankind for the common goals all
mankind that had sought for centuries and centuries more.
Truly, the VAST mineral deposits under those un-inhabitable islands in those seas are IMMENSE, to the size of the continents of USA, Europe and
Australia combined.
There is enough wealth for all, for it to be tapped, and shared with all mankind, similar with an almost woken up Africa young today using
hi-technology to reap and manage those renewable resources without the now aknowledged painful corruption and horror of past eras, that can feed the
world for millenia several times over.
We can help our future generations and ourselves with Earth's bounty, but only if responsibly done. We came into this world with nothing and leave
with nothing, but our deeds committed to memories for immortality. There is enough for all and more, and need not the fights with losses of precious
human lives over it.
NEVER, EVER, let the greedy few determine the direction of our evolution, for to them - the corrupted and misused religious supposed 'spiritual
leader' or bankers/Corporation bosses, regression and utilitarianism is the only answer, so that they and their next generations may live in
priviledge forever,while the rest of mankind held in chains. Let the civilisational and moral codes be our guide, but never to be misused by the
greedy manipulators.
The path to better and greater evolution of our species begin with you and me, and through us, our families, relatives and friends that makes up
societies and our world....
edit on 16-8-2012 by SeekerofTruth101 because: (no reason given)