posted on Aug, 13 2012 @ 05:55 PM
I searched for it and didn't see anything, if there is something on it than MODS PLEASE lock it.
I found an interesting article I figured I would share here. Not sure what the general opinion of Politico is here, but the information itself is
Most people in the political class assume Americans associate Paul Ryan with his controversial budget plan. The folks at Google have put together
this fun chart, looking at the top four search words associated with Ryan — and the budget gets edged out by some slightly less policy-based
This article states that the # 1 googled thing on Paul Ryan is "Vice President"(of course)
# 2 is Paul Ryan "shirtless"!
# 3 is "Wiki"
# 4 is "Budget"
Link to article
This isn't really anything major to me, but I'm curious on if this will affect his and ultimately Romney's campaign. I find it disturbing that Budget
is a mere #4.
Do you guys find this interesting at all?
edit on 13-8-2012 by Pressthebutton because: (no reason given)