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Why I would never vote for Romney/Ryan

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posted on Aug, 13 2012 @ 10:35 AM
To described myself in a short way that everyone can understand i'm fiscally conservative and more liberal on social polices like being pro-choice and for gay marriage, this election my social views take the backseat and my fiscal concerns are in the forefront.

I don't even know where to really begin with Romney and Ryan, how they got where they are and why Republicans nominated them I don't understand.

First off the debt will not be reduced under a Romney administration, and honestly Romney and Ryan have there priorities a*s backwards, I don't understand the plan for cutting the deficit by putting the burden on the already poor while not even negotiating on defense spending and even pledging to increase the military and military budget, and on top of that Romney comes off as an elitist and continues to profit off Bain who is continually outsourcing American jobs while campaigning to bring jobs home.

On top of that the Republicans have moved WAY to the right, to the extreme, which will probably turn off a lot of independents women and minorities, like me, and has appealed to his core base, it's going to take more than your base to win an election.He's also an opportunist and says what pleases the crowd in front of him at that moment, like saying the disastrous Ryan budget plan should have been passed in it's entirety at the time and now today is distancing himself away from it.

And Romney has decided to attach himself to the Republican leadership of the house that is more unpopular than the president himself when he should have been looking for an outsider to energize everyone, instead he went with an ideological candidate that WILL cost him the '12 election, no doubt about it now.

That's my thought's, anyone else have anything to add to the subject?

Disclaimer: This is in no way an endorsement of Obama Biden. And I'm sure i'll have more to add later once I get some coffee in my system.

posted on Aug, 13 2012 @ 10:42 AM
that's the problem i burden the poor and middle class even more, while the wealthy get more tax is this even remotely conservative? how is this in the best interest of our country? if cutting taxes on the wealthy creates jobs by the job creators, then what happened during W's presidency when he cut taxes on the wealthy?....we should have had a robust economy, it didn't happened. why would anybody want to go through that again?

posted on Aug, 13 2012 @ 10:44 AM
I'd love to have some thoughts to add to the discussion, but you've pretty much covered my position as well. I can't understand why Romney wanted to get more support from the extreme right... Supposedly their votes don't count any more than anyone else. I would have thought he would go for someone who could reach the independent voter, but I guess having Sarah Palin's support was more important than I'd guessed.

Having one of the 1% in the most powerful position in our government is not a situation I would be looking forward to. :shk:

posted on Aug, 13 2012 @ 10:45 AM

Originally posted by jimmyx
that's the problem i burden the poor and middle class even more, while the wealthy get more tax is this even remotely conservative? how is this in the best interest of our country? if cutting taxes on the wealthy creates jobs by the job creators, then what happened during W's presidency when he cut taxes on the wealthy?....we should have had a robust economy, it didn't happened. why would anybody want to go through that again?

These past 12 years have made the Clinton days look like it was heaven on earth.

And yeah that's something I will never understand, the Republicans have always been military hawks but seriously these politicians need to get there priorities straight

posted on Aug, 13 2012 @ 10:47 AM
reply to post by Uniceft17

"not even negotiating on defense spending and even pledging to increase the military and military budget"

Yep. That will not help him get the Ron Paul supporters votes.

posted on Aug, 13 2012 @ 10:48 AM
reply to post by Uniceft17

I think you describe the majority of Americans these days, but we don't have a candidate that fits that mold. (Except Ron Paul.) Neither one of the parties will endorse that platform, because it unites the nation and takes away all the faux bickering and controversy.

I agree with you 100%. I'm not voting for Romney, and I'm not voting for Obama, but I think Obama is going to win hands down. I'll be voting for Ron Paul or Gary Johnson.

posted on Aug, 13 2012 @ 10:52 AM
It's like Romney is the exact opposite of any Democratic views JUST to be opposite.

There is no compromise or middle ground.

The Canidates now are all about parties and not individual thought.

In the end it breaks down to voting for bad or evil.

posted on Aug, 13 2012 @ 10:55 AM
I agree 100%, very nicely said.

I could also never vote for Romney or Obama.

These big government, progressive, establishment, sell out, Washington insiders, (whatever you call them) have been destroying this country, slowly over the last decade (if not longer), from the inside.

This country needs to stop the spending especially on the unconstitutional wars.

We need money that is backed by something again so it's not just worthless paper.

The Government needs to work for the people and do what is in their best interest.

THE FEDERAL RESERVE MUST GO! It's insane that we let a private bank print and create money then let that bank loan the money to us with interest. This is the #1 problem with the world right now, in my opinion. It's a system of hierarchy and slavery.

posted on Aug, 13 2012 @ 11:40 AM
Romney/Ryan has a ring to it...and I will vote for the Republican ticket (looking for more "hope" and "change"). But this could be a big set up. The conservative P/VP pair will advocate severe austerity measures which will be supported by the voting majority leading to collapse the economy and concomitant government revenues. Once the system collapses the republicans will relinquish power to a majority demanding government services which will also introduce the police state when civil unrest erupts. But voting for Romney-Ryan will delay the inevitable (which voting for Obama-Biden would not do).

posted on Aug, 13 2012 @ 11:45 AM

Originally posted by CosmicCitizen
Romney/Ryan has a ring to it...and I will vote for the Republican ticket (looking for more "hope" and "change"). But this could be a big set up. The conservative P/VP pair will advocate severe austerity measures which will be supported by the voting majority leading to collapse the economy and concomitant government revenues. Once the system collapses the republicans will relinquish power to a majority demanding government services which will also introduce the police state when civil unrest erupts. But voting for Romney-Ryan will delay the inevitable (which voting for Obama-Biden would not do).

Hell, I'd vote for the setup more than I would the actual platform! The setup, as you describe it, is exactly what this country needs to get back on track. It is similar to what Ron Paul's actual plan was to begin with. Severe cutting (austerity), along with relinquishing power back to the states and people.

And why do you want to delay the inevitable? I feel exactly the opposite. I don't want to delay the inevitable and force my children to deal with it. I want to get to the business of rebuilding while I'm still young enough to help. Each generation becomes more and more helpless. If we continue to delay, we'll likely be sentencing a lot of our children and grand-children to suffering and death, but if we get it over with now, a lot of us still remember how to survive before the internet, gps, and 24/7 surveillance. Right now we could fix things with only limited discomfort, but 2 generations from now it would be an epic tragedy.

posted on Aug, 13 2012 @ 03:03 PM

Originally posted by CosmicCitizen
But voting for Romney-Ryan will delay the inevitable (which voting for Obama-Biden would not do).

How so, both are going to raise the deficit reguardless, they just have different programs you want to spend on, romney wants to spend more on the military Obama wants to spend more on social policies, I can see one of those being way more damaging than the other and not in a good way, either way.

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