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Check out what I observed at the parade yesterday

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posted on Aug, 13 2012 @ 05:25 AM
So I was at the Dominican day parade in NYC yesterday August the 12th. We had got there about an hour before it started and setup in an area up front. There are cops everywhere and undercovers all over the place. Besides the fact that I saw a few young kids get their heads literally smashed into the pavement and arrested for reasons unknown to me I found this one thing completely odd.

So just before the parade is about to start I see this unmarked car driving down the middle of the parade route. It's going pretty slow and as it gets to me I notice something in the back windows. There were 2 cameras stuck to the back windows with suction cups at about a 45 degree angle. One was pointed to 1 side of the street and the other to the opposite side. I can only guess that they must of been filming everyone who was at the parade. It kind of struck a nerve in me because I really couldn't think of any reason why they would be doing that. I known they've been known to film protesters and such and I guess I could see their reasoning although I certainly don't agree with it. Does anyone know what the reasoning might of been?

posted on Aug, 13 2012 @ 05:34 AM

Does anyone know what the reasoning might of been?
Know? I'm afraid not. But if you're willing to settle for a "might," may I suggest facial recognition software, either as a test or building up images for their database to be referred to later.

edit on 13-8-2012 by charles1952 because: bracket error

posted on Aug, 13 2012 @ 05:56 AM
NYC has a large activist community. The Occupy movement have been giving the police headaches for a while now. Others also have cottoned on to tactics that actually work.


Also NYPD's newly discovered surveillance operation has been breaking over the last few days. Trapwire.

This weekend, it was disclosed by Wikileaks the details about a system known as “TrapWire” that uses facial recognition and other techniques including high-end artificial intelligence to track and monitor individuals using countless different closed-circuit cameras operated by cities and other institutions, including private businesses. This program also monitors all social media on the internet. The software is billed as a method by which to prevent terrorism, but can of course also be used to provide unprecedented surveillance and data-mining capabilities to governments and corporations – including many with a history of using new technologies to violate the rights of citizens. TrapWire is already used in New York, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Texas, DC, London, and other locales around the USA.

Welcome to the future.

posted on Aug, 13 2012 @ 06:04 AM
The Dominicans have a rather large, and violent, street gang presence.
It could be related to that. I know similar "crowd filming" techniques have been used to detect gang activities at similar events.

posted on Aug, 13 2012 @ 07:36 AM

Originally posted by charles1952

Does anyone know what the reasoning might of been?
Know? I'm afraid not. But if you're willing to settle for a "might," may I suggest facial recognition software, either as a test or building up images for their database to be referred to later.

edit on 13-8-2012 by charles1952 because: bracket error

No need to guess about what was being done. The testing and prototyping of such programs on the general populance is long since done.

Welcome to the database of the "world of the authorities." Big Brother lives and he is everywhere!

posted on Aug, 13 2012 @ 07:52 AM

Originally posted by stigup
So just before the parade is about to start I see this unmarked car driving down the middle of the parade route. It's going pretty slow and as it gets to me I notice something in the back windows. There were 2 cameras stuck to the back windows with suction cups at about a 45 degree angle. One was pointed to 1 side of the street and the other to the opposite side.

I dunno what you're curious about -- this was simply another public service by TPTB. They thoughtfully sent this full size moving target down the route so John & Jane Doe could practice range and "aiming lead" for rocks, paint balloons, Molotov cocktails and other various and sundry projectiles. The camera were there to record the highest scores.

In years to come, you will be expected to graduate to RPG's and LAW's.

posted on Aug, 13 2012 @ 08:11 AM
reply to post by stigup

Go ask the greatest Liberal of all times, Bloomberg.
It seems he wants the big brother mentality in NYC.

posted on Aug, 13 2012 @ 09:10 AM
In Uruguay this happens every time there's a demonstration in the Israeli embassy.
Except they use a van with cameras mounted on tripods.

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