I swear I will try to keep this a brief as possible. So there have been some life changing events recently, including a new relationship, and I will
start from here, as this event led to the rest.
There was someone that I thought about for about 10 yrs that lives in the state I used to reside in. I had finally got in contact with him, and we
clicked immediately. We planned on getting together for the holidays, as this is long distance, and things were going well.
I was in a rut, and was looking to turn things around. I went out and found a new job, as I was working from home, feeling better about things and was
falling in love, all at the same time.
This is was all very new, as some of you out there might know that when things go bad for such a long period of time, it becomes the "norm". I can
honestly say that this person invigorated me and gave me the boost that I needed in order to get back on track.
After a few months things began to dwindle, even though everything else (things that I changed because I was so happy) was going great. We eventually
stopped speaking all together, without me knowing why. Even with that pain, I kept going, and things got even better.
I was quickly promoted, I made some new friends, and even started getting in better shape. Yet there was something bugging me, about what led me
there, was now gone.
My first few days at the new job, the person that was training me, I had never met, yet I had deja-vu a few times that night. She was there, I was
there, and the machine was there. I went home and thought nothing of it. But it didn't stop. I began having it every couple of days, with the same
people, none of which I had ever seen before.
A few days ago during our break, her and I began talking, and she paused, and looked around. I asked her if he was ok, and she said she had deja-vu
about this conversation (BTW, I never mentioned that I was having it as well with her in it), so I asked her, was I there, she said the conversation
was the same, the place, and everything else, except for me. I seem blurred when she tried to really think about it.
Even though with her, the job and everything else, I saw her clearly. I dont know why this is bugging me, but I found it weird that if I hadn't taken
the initial steps and found someone out of the blue that I had searched for, for 10 years, we hit it off, I changed almost everything, then I began
having deja-vu constantly, and another person who was in my scenario had the same thing except I was/wasnt there, seems a bit weird.
I wondered if anyone had experienced this or can shed some light. BTW, sorry if I seem a bit scattered, I am trying to make something that makes no
sense to me, actually make sense to someone else. I also dont think that things happen by accident either
Thanks in advance NRE.