posted on Aug, 12 2012 @ 10:09 PM
reply to post by BlueMule
Personally, what would you do or suggest to develop psychic abilities? Tell people to start thinking by themselves (something, nowadays, which seems
almost nonexistent)? Tell them to relearn to trust their own consciousness? Tell people to observe and explore their own nature? Tell them to become
aware of their incredibly profound conditioning? Telling them all that would probably suffice! And for the seekers, there are a plethora of systems
which goal is to gradually lead them to the discovery of their true nature.
One of them is yoga. If we take its lowest form, hatha yoga, it teaches us, through experience, that efforts and movements aren't needed at all to
gain or maintain health. Immobility of the body in conjunction with effortless body and hand mudras suffice. At a later stage, siddhis can develop
naturally with only hand mudras. Higher forms of yogas will make people realize, through experience, that stillness can be more powerful than
activity, that reason is far from being the highest faculty (being aware of your own intellection is already a strong indication), etc. All forms of
yogas will ultimately lead to the realization that what is nowadays considered to be paranormal or an aberration is, in fact, something totally
natural (e.g.: telepathy, clairsentience, clairvoyance, direct inner knowledge, etc.). Tantra and Dzogchen are also other efficient methods.
Interestingly, some people will have the mantra "f#ck it all", live a normal life, just be themselves and through concourse of circumstances will see
their latent faculties unfold without any seeking.
edit on 12-8-2012 by D1ss1dent because: (no reason given)