posted on Aug, 10 2012 @ 07:39 PM
Ok so about two years ago I had my first lucid dream. I had no idea what it was called at the time but it was awesome (scary.) SO! let me tell you a
bit about this one...
It started directly in the action. I was running in some kind of huge hallway..kind of airport-like. I don't know. As i'm running I notice a dark
shadow or person..whatever, running behind me. Now, I don't know if they running with me or after me. We were just running. A sunkist can appears in
my hand and I throw it at them and kept running.
As I ran I noticed that the walls are kind of warping and looking VERY weird. I said to myself, "Oh #! I get it now! I'm dreaming! Well then, let's
get this # started." As I concentrated to change the way the place looked, everything turned black. Like I blacked out in my own dream. When I came
to I was on my hands and knees and let me tell you. I NEVER want to see my hands as clearly as I saw them in my dream like that ever again. They
looked nasty and weird. They were warping into each other with swirls of different shades of tan and brown etc. (i'm a light tan-ish color) Anyway, I
was like oh my God, what the heck?
When I realized that I was dreaming, by the way, I was extremely scared like I wasn't supposed to know that I was dreaming, I didn't understand..I
just felt completely creeped out and felt anxiety. Anyway.. I tried as hard as I could to wake myself up and nothing worked! I lied myself down and
kept repeating to myself to wake up over and over and over. After what seemed like 10 minutes in my dream I finally woke up.
Anyway, it was epic scary.
Anyone have lucid dreams or opinions or anything they'd like to share?