posted on Oct, 11 2004 @ 02:29 PM
Welcome, Wombathole. We have a lot in common, it appears.
"I am in my early fifties..."
Sixty in December
"...with a family,five kids,teens to late twenties"
Okay one kid, age 19.
"I have been in engineering all my life but am nearly retired, hopefully."
Me too; I hope to leave Boeing in 2007 or 2008.
"I enjoy reading on the internet as i believe we don,t get the whole truth in the news on the devils eyeball."
Surely you jest, Wombathole; why would we ever doubt anything on the idiot-box?
"I,m a bit anti war as of late.With five kids I,ve been the adjudicator in many,many disputes & i find that in a meaningful discussion there is
always a compromise."
My guess is that you didn't vote for John Howard. To be honest, I didn't, either!
Anyway, from old engineer to another, welcome!