Before I discuss the news I learned today, I'd like to introduce myself. I've been lurking ATS for months now so I am not new to the information I see
here on a daily basis. Everything I think or want to discuss has already been posted before me so I never bothered signing up until today.
For those who have been reading the past few days, I learned that many hundreds of tanks were being carried on a train out in the open in California
for everyone to see. Supposedly our government is going to send our military to the southern border (California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas) for an
agenda I am not clear of. This information is only what I have learned from speculation, I am not stating that this is fact.
Anyways, I was on FB and ran into this news article stating :
City Council on Tuesday planned on reviewing a contract between EPPD and G4S Secure Solutions said to provide prisoner booking, transportation
and watch services.
I live in El Paso, where we have the biggest military base in the country; Fort Bliss. We have more than enough officers including soldiers. Ft. Bliss
takes up 1/4 of the city because it is so damn huge. I do not see any reason why the city wants to hire G4S when we have the man power back home. If
anything they should create more jobs instead of spending the tax money outside the city.
I might just be a little paranoid but I don't like the news of this one bit.
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on 8/10/2012 by JohnnyAnonymous because: (no reason given)