posted on Aug, 18 2012 @ 01:13 PM
It is simple. Jones markets to a demographic. The particular demographic is you. His subject is anything that draws that demographic in.That means
some of what he reports will be true, some of it not true. And if it is not sensational enough, the Jones team can just manufacture, twist, and spin.
It is no different than MSNBC or FOX or RT or ATS or any other for-profit media enterprise. In order to make a profit, you have to bring in consumers.
Consumers are drawn to narratives and sensation. If you take away the specifics of his content, you can see his show is using the same template as any
other media group. Content becomes filler and entertainment in between marketing messages. For cable news, it is cars and fast food. For the
conspiracy circle, it is prep kits, gold, survival gear, etc.
You are a demographic. You are not exceptional. You are a consumer.