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Kerry Expands slight edge to 3 points over Bush

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posted on Oct, 12 2004 @ 12:38 PM
I would not even consider engagement in argument with an individual who perceives the U.S. televised media, ie. CNN, CBS, MSNBC, NBC, as conservative......Rather, Brokaw, Jennings, conservative???

herein is proof discussions here at ATS often are just plain unfair, and not balanced.

posted on Oct, 12 2004 @ 01:57 PM
A Republican seat on the FCC; what's lost on you in your own retort?
Ask any Texan about two terms of George Bush - anyone who actually looked at his record who was not a Texan, didn't vote for him.
He's media managed a la John Wayne. But you go ahead thinking that a New England old money blue blood, who did all his schooling in the Northeast, somehow became a real Cowboy and didn't manufacture that accent or 'history'.

posted on Oct, 12 2004 @ 09:42 PM

Originally posted by Bout Time
...................... But you go ahead thinking that a New England old money blue blood, who did all his schooling in the Northeast, somehow became a real Cowboy and didn't manufacture that accent or 'history'.

So smart as to figure out the winning philosophy, so disciplined as to maintain the facade regardless. Yet so undisciplined and dumb as to chill the spine�..ah, the good old spins just never stop here at ATS left as you go on the old dial�.as for hoping Kerry doesn�t win�even a moral degenerate like Clinton, or a paralyzed by his intelligence, lets just give�em a hugger like Carter would be a step up. And in case you haven't noticed the thread on the topic�.every time I see posts from off the dial left like yours, I have to question my mood.

[edit on 12-10-2004 by keholmes]

posted on Oct, 13 2004 @ 08:39 AM
Feel free to go mugwumpish yourself if the mood takes you there!

Now what exactly is your meaning, knowing us simpleton Lefties are always at a benefit when you lay gospel out for us, like you're prone to do?

Are you disputing Powell's market monopoly enabling of the FCC's policy stances?

Or that the Bush clan does hail from the North East and that Andover, Harvard & Yale are there as well?

Or that people born, raised & schooled in a region of the country are of that region, or else is a fake accent & pandering?

Moral Degenerate, Clinton? Naval Academy graduate 7 year active duty officer James Carter a huggy bear?
That Free Republic site has given you the hairy palms of the mind!

posted on Oct, 13 2004 @ 09:38 PM
Bush went to some of the best schools in the world, and they happen to be in the Northeast....

and he has an accent which may be affected, or, more likely, may be a product of his upbringing in Texas...

and these are issues why, exactly?

posted on Oct, 13 2004 @ 10:13 PM

My point was to claim that the president wasn�t raised in Texas is more than a little moronic�.the largest supposed knock on his father is the historical ties to the oil industry�.was that the monster oil industry that Connecticut is famous for? He met his wife while campaigning there�.owned businesses there, failed an oil business himself there, grew up there, was the governor etc etc�.as for Powell what is wrong with the Clinton appointee, as usual your short on fact and long on spin, distortion, or fabrication?

Oh, sorry I forgot for folks like you Clinton is a beacon of morality, and Carter is the supreme warrior.

posted on Oct, 14 2004 @ 08:40 AM
"His upbringing in Texas" - my point was that the whole salt-of-the-earth-simple-man-on-the-back-40 shtick is all Hollywood Cowboy. Again, ask real Texans what they think about that Old Money New England Scion. His family having a home in Texas is again not accounting for the fake accent: you spend all your school years in New England, from grade school to college & post graduate....then you speak like Buford E. Pusser? 9 months of every year for school since grammar school years + summers at the family compound in Kennebunkport.......a moron could do that math, no?
It matters less to me than the lint make-up of a dingle berry........except when folks get on that whole True Grit nonsense about him. But again, ask real Texans what they think.
The appointment to a slot where Powell was one of several to Chair, thus enabling the market monopolies pushed forward by groups like Clear Channel & Sinclair is a easily referenced topic on ATS - I've posted to it as well. While avoidance & denial are regular 'debate' tools for Republicans like yourself, spin-distortion-fabrication is impossible, once what GOP officials have signed into law is reviewed. Sorry.
On the Clinton Morality thing: anyone beating that dead horse is a fool. If his wife has forgiven him, you can too, unless you're ready to come forward with disclosing that you're his love child or concubine, then you'd have grounds for your high moral indignation; otherwise, grip onto the facts that a GOP $70M witchhunt did nothing but finger sniffing & slandering, because BEEJEEBUS KNOWS they would have prosecuted something REAL if there was something.
On the Carter thing: Why the distortion on one of the great men that our country has produced? Has any Republican president retired to anything BUT profiteering & private enterprise? Carter has done more for the US in real terms & for our image in one year of his post presidency than the combined GOP presidents will do in their life times. Additionally, it's ignorant to mock a man that was appointed to the Naval Academy and spent the longest time as an active duty military officer, through war, than anybody else except Eisenhower.
I know your breed goes in for the beer-balls biggest on the playground form of diplomacy, but that's far from his measure of effectiveness & achievement.

posted on Oct, 14 2004 @ 09:03 AM

Originally posted by Otts
I think this calls for pizza and beer on Nov. 2. Election nights are like hockey nights for me.

I MISS HOCKEY!! This lockout is the pits! The networks aren't
talking about it. It seems no one cares except us poor hockey fans.

posted on Oct, 14 2004 @ 09:12 PM

Wow, a dremel can�t even compare with you, your spinness. So how many Texans was that you polled as to their disgust with the presidents �act��, two�.so your telling me that New York Texans dislike his �actin� wow�..good thing those Texans have New Yorkers to stick up for them, and so what defines a �real texan� do they have to know a secret handshake or something�.is that in the official �real texan rule book��..written in New York city�New York city�get a rope.

Again you have nothing but a lot of hot type writing about the Clinton appointee�.I didn�t avoid or anything just asked a simple question�.you should be able to handle a simple question, right? You have yet to state one simple point backed by anything more than you hate and discontent for anyone who doesn�t start worshiping at the alter of bout.

As for carter that is quite some spin�..funny that you would bring up Eisenhower as carter may be the only man to have spent the longest time as active duty military officer, through the war, and be farther from a shot fired in anger. If your trying to tie presidents to service near a combat zone�.the list would start with bush the elder, Washington followed closely maybe JFK, Teddy, etc� you would have to put Jimmy very low on the list, there would most probably be 20 or so before JC. And he has done a lot for the US in real terms some good some bad, so what. I think its unfortunate he couldn�t accomplish much for us as president.

posted on Oct, 14 2004 @ 09:35 PM
sure he's from Texas

Gommer said so

[edit on 14/10/2004 by Sauron]

posted on Oct, 14 2004 @ 09:53 PM

Originally posted by Bout Time
Ask any Texan about two terms of George Bush - anyone who actually looked at his record who was not a Texan, didn't vote for him.

I don't support him.

Political columnist Molly Ivins doesn't support him.

Heck, his own hometown paper doesn't support him.

I can tell you that I see a lot of Kerry stickers around campus.

For those who question how many Texans dislike Bush, I can show you a whole long list of techies and university profs and teachers and cops who are good Texas citizens (and have been for life) and aren't voting for that dimestore cowboy slacker. They're not all Democrats; many are independants, some are Republicans, men and women, gay and straight, all races, all ages.

I didn't vote for him the first time around and sure aren't voting for him now! It'd be funny if he lost the vote in Texas... though I doubt that will happen. However, if we ever get off the electoral system....

[Edited on 14-10-2004 by Byrd]

posted on Oct, 14 2004 @ 10:03 PM

Originally posted by keholmes
and so what defines a �real texan� do they have to know a secret handshake or something�.is that in the official �real texan rule book��..

You might find it interesting to come here to Texas and live for awhile.

When my son went into the Navy, one of the earliest comments he made was how DIFFERENT the rest of the states were from Texas.

Yes, we do have a fairly unique regional culture. Yes, there are some hallmarks of it. Laura Bush is a Texan, and George has sort of acquired the culture over time but he still fails on a lot of it (he tries to lace his speech with "Texan-isms" and can't remember how they go. One of these days we'll teach him about "dumb as a box of hammers.")

So, yes, our culture is rather different. And yes, it's often obvious to tell who's from here and who isn't.

posted on Oct, 14 2004 @ 10:11 PM
Fortunately polls mean about as much reality as a financial analyst's opinion.

I am curious if there was ever a study done on the poll inaccuracies or accuracies statistics, after the fact.

posted on Oct, 15 2004 @ 06:29 PM

Originally posted by Byrd
I don't support him.
Political columnist Molly Ivins doesn't support him.

Heck, his own hometown paper doesn't support him.

I can tell you that I see a lot of Kerry stickers around campus.

For those who question how many Texans dislike Bush, I can show you a whole long list of techies and university profs and teachers and cops who are good Texas citizens[Edited on 14-10-2004 by Byrd]

Well, next time you're in New England, tune into talk radio (WRKO-AM or WTTK-FM) and you'll get an earful of anti-Kerry talk. Buy the Boston Herald if you want to read some anti-Kerry news and opinion. Bush/Cheney signs going up faster than Democrats can tear them down under cover of the night.

As far as academia suppporting the liberal candidate, that's the way it always is. Young idealists and ivory-tower professors who will most likely turn conservative after they see how people like Kerry like to spend their hard-earned money.

posted on Oct, 15 2004 @ 09:13 PM

Originally posted by Byrd
You might find it interesting to come here to Texas and live for awhile.

Doubt I could stand it, served a little time there and just couldn't get used to the everything�s bigger in Texas speech....almost as irritating as your average New Yorker.

Originally posted by Byrd
.................So, yes, our culture is rather different. And yes, it's often obvious to tell who's from here and who isn't.

Yeah, there usually the one in the passing lane doing 10 under with a gun rack.

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