Oh god ... that is so stupid. They're trying to make it look bad cuz they don't like girl's gone wild. Bull#. It's the BEST. THE BEST I TELL YOU
!!! I have the spring break DVD too lol
I dont like him either but its Hilarious, almost comedy material. Though I was drunk at the time so maybe that had something to do with it. I'm going
to start a poll, catch ya later.
I'll have to check it out then lol ... may I suggest a white russian with two scoop's of choclate icecream? You'll never know you were drinking.
Taste's that gooood!!
LMAO I d/l doggystyle of Kazaa and its freakin hilarious...stoop seems to be smoking a blunt at all times and always has his gold chalice filled with
cristal or something.